04: Her Name Is Charmaine 📮

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"When you fight yourself to discover the real you, there is only one winner"

-Stephen Richards

It was Monday again. I had to go back to hell. I was getting mixed feelings about Langa, there was something in my gut telling me to stay away from him, but for once in my life I chose not to listen to it because I was happy.

I followed my normal morning routine and decided to skip breakfast because as I took one look at Mrs Kane's Cottage cheese pancakes I felt like I was going to throw up.

I left the house earlier than usual, before my parents were even up because I wanted to have my breakfast at the cafe today.

"Morning Ms Lautner," Mr Steyn greeted. Mr Padayachee was not back yet, I need to get his contact details and see what might have happened to him.

"Oh please call me Ada, how are you Mr Steyn" I asked as I decided to sit on the front seat today.

"I'm good. Where can I take you today?" he asked

"The cafe down the street. You don't have to wait for me, I'll catch a taxi to school" I said.

He stopped driving as he looked at me weirdly like I had just grown a second head.

"Oh don't be silly, it's my job to drive you around" he said as he parked in front of the cafe.

"Think about it, if you wait for me you'll be late and you won't get James to school in time" I tried reasoning.

"Well you do have a point" he said.

"Bye" I said as I closed the door before he changed his mind. I walked into the cafe and was surprised as to how beautiful it looked in the morning.

You could get all the best seats right now because people are using the drive-thrus in the morning, all rushing to get to work.

Mrs Mpisane was standing behind the counter today and she was working alone.

"My Little Mermaid" she greeted as I walked to the counter.

"Hey Mrs Mpi, how are you today?" I asked as I scanned the cafe.

"Oh I'm good honey, people will start filling in here in less than an hour" she said wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Woah. you've really done a great job on this cafe" I said still fascinated by it's beauty.

"Oh sweety. Sit down and I'll make you a full breakfast. It's on the house and I'm not taking no for an answer"

My stomach made a loud noise as soon as those words exited her mouth. I felt hungry just by inhaling the smell of coffee beans.

In less than 15 minutes she served me toast, bacon, eggs, baked beans and mushrooms and left me to eat. A few minutes later she came up to check on me and placed a cup of coffee with creamer on the table.

I know Mrs Mpisane said I shouldn't pay but she is running a business after all so I inserted a R100 note inside the "Tips" jar when I exited the shop.

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