37: Appreciation 🗳

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"Conformity begins the moment you ignore how you feel for acceptance"

-Shannon L. Alder

"You fuckin' lie" Charmaine said slapping my hand. I rolled my eyes at this gesture. She has this habit of hitting me whenever she's happy, sad, angry, you name the emotion.

We were walking out of school since it was now the end of the day.

"I'm being for reals, I kissed him and I don't know how I feel about that" she gasped and reached out to hold my hand so we could stop walking.

"Who's fetching you now, we need some serious catching up?" She asked.

"Melinda. You can come over to my grans for the weekened, I haven't seen her in a while". I said.

"Tell your step mother to call my mom so she can ask her, you know how these parents are" she said rolling her eyes. I shook my head as I laughed.

Nathan came over to us and sling his whole arm over my shoulder.

"How are the girls doing?"

"We're great" Charmaine answered for the both of us.

"Now Ada, complete the story. I want to here the rest of it. I have to meet this Tumelo too"

"Who is Tumelo now?" Andile asked headed towards us.

"Charmaine. Fill him in, I have to go guys" I said giving each of them a brief hug as I saw Mel's car parked on the school's parking lot.

"When I get back on Sunday, we have to take ourselves out. It's been a while

"Oh and Charmaine.." I said turning back to look at her. Her eyes shot up.

"I'll be by your house at 18:00 to fetch you, so get ready" I said

I sped walked towards Melinda's car before she got irritated with me. I opened the door and sat in the front seat.

"How was school hun?"She asked me.

"It was okay, you're in a good mood, did you break the news to Dad yet?" I asked.

"I'm planning a party. I want to do it next week Saturday, maybe" Maybe she's right. We need to plan something massive to break the news to my father, we'll call the whole Mthethwa family and I'll finally get to meet Mel's family.

"I like the idea. Can we please pass by Checkers, I need to grab some stuff do granny. She said we shouldn't go ro someone's house empty handed"

"How about they deliver it to our house because I have a few things I need to get done before I drip you off at your gran's"

"That s great. I'll get that sorted"I said as I called the Checkers store in Umhlanga to confirm that they do make deliveries. Indeed they do.

We got home at about 15:20, the first thing I did is remove my uniform and take a quick shower. I found Mihlali in her room with her nanny. She was singing a song for her and she was laughing.

It's the most precious sound ever, it's something that recently started.

I joined them and bonded with Mihlali for a few minutes.

"Mam' Thandi could you please pack Mihlali's bag for me because we're going to eNdwedwe now" I requested.

"You can go have fun, I'll take good care of her. It's been a while since you saw your granny after all" she said comforting me.

"Thank you so much Mam' Thandi" I said rushing to my room so I could pack my bag.

I asked Mel to call Charmaine's mother so we could go with her. While she was busy making a phone call, I made some food for myself in the kitchen.

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