31: Spur Of The Moment 🗳

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"Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you."

You ever make a decision without thinking twice. That's exactly what I did. I left Mihlali at my grandmothers house. She was more than happy to babysit for the weekend and I was off to the airport.

Where am I going you might ask? I'm on my way to Pretoria to talk Siyanda into getting back with Langa.

I took this decision on my own. UNPROVOKED! I don't want my pettiness to be the end of someone else's happiness. I wouldn't want someone to do the same to me.

I sent Siyanda a message and told her that I'm boarding the plane. It would have been very stupid of me to get on that flight without confirming if she's home.

The flight from Durban to O.R Tambo only took an hour.

I slept through the whole flight and woke up when we arrived at the airport. I saw Siyanda waiting for me me. She was wearing a black mini dress and flats. She looked so flawless, she was the pure definition of beauty.

I then looked at my outfit. A simple white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with pumps.

She walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey. I'm so glad you wanted to come and visit me" she said. We pulled away from the bug and she took my overnight bag.

"I'm glad I came. I haven't been in Pretoria for a while" I said as we walked towards the Uber.

"Trust me. I'll show you the life of the party. I wanted to see Mihlali but I guess you do need some time alone"

We drove for about forty minutes and then entered a nice suburban area. The houses here were not too big but instead, they looked homey.

The gates opened to reveal a one storey house with a pool on the front. I stood in front of the gate and watched as the Uber driver drove away.

Siyanda was chatting away and didn't notice that I was not walking besides her.

"Haibo Siphokazi. Do you regret coming here already?" she asked as she dragged me inside the house.

It smelt great. The house was an open plan so I was able to see her mother making something in the kitchen.

"Hey Aunt Thando"

"Hey. I'm glad you came to visit us" she said wiping her hands on her apron and giving me a brief hug.

Siyanda carried my bags towards a room which I'm sure belonged to her room.

"I think sharing a room will be a great idea, unless you want to use our spare room" she offered.

"I'll be fine here"I said as I tossed myself on her double bed. I landed on a lot of stuffed animals. One caught my eye, It was a cute pink teddy bear so I picked it up and examined it.

"Thats one of my favourites" she said.

"It is nice" I said putting it bavk where I saw it.

"It was a birthday gift from Langa" she said with a straight face. I froze on the bed but I quickly regained my composure when I remembered that Langa broke up with her.

This is a stupid idea. Why in the world did I fly to Pretoria to convince my cousin to get back together with my ex boyfriend who knocked me up? This sounds like something a stupid person would do.

Was Langa ever my boyfriend to begin with?

I can't do this anymore. I'll just come here and have a good time. When I get back home, I'll fix things with Langa.

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