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02| Everything = Nothing

I naturally am I light sleeper, and so I wake up very early without an alarm. I always have and I most likely always will.

So I woke up at around 5:15 a.m and got ready for the day, even though I have nothing planned.

I didn't want to be rude and sleep in all day on my first day here, so that is always another reason why I actually got ready.

I remembered the way to the kitchen, so I slowly creaked open my bedroom door and looked both ways in the hall.

I could see the miniscule amount of light filtering in from the kitchen along with the clinking of spoons and coffee mugs.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Enzo, Donatello and Turi just talking about something serious apparently from the looks on their faces.

"Good morning Aurora." Enzo said, drawing the other two's attention onto me.

I gave a small wave, "Morning." Enzo motioned for me to take a seat and I did. He placed a plate of waffles in front of me along with a glass of milk.

"I'm lactose intolerant." I said while picking up my fork and knife, cutting perfect squares of waffles before eating them slowly.

Donatello mumbled something under his breath before grabbing the glass and chugging it before leaving.

Not without sending me a nice and scary look.

Turi followed him out, leaving me with just Enzo.

"Aurora, there are some ground rules that I would ask of you to follow." Enzo began, pausing.

I guess he wanted me to look at him because when I raised my head and made eye contact with him he started speaking again.

"Never go to the basement or upper floor of our home. These are our offices and private spaces that I don't want to you be exposed to. Secondly, all your brothers have authority over you. This is not negotiable. You respect us and we respect you. The other expectations when it comes to school and other things alike will come as we get there." Enzo said.

He laced his fingers together and placed them on his lap, waiting for me to give him a response.

"Understood." I replied blankly.

If felt weird being given rules to follow that didn't have to do with my safety or basic survival. These were just regular house rules.

I don't exactly know how to feel about that because I'm being expected to act like a kid, but I've never really had that chance.

"You begin school next week, because you are enrolled in a private school you have to write an entrance exam. That will be taking place on Monday and you start school the next day." Enzo added while I processed the fact that I was...content with his rules.

I liked not having to watch my back. I liked having people being there for me, even if it was just to tell me what to do.

Mom always had to work and when she wasn't working she slept so that she could take extra shifts. I always did the household chores like cooking dinner, laundry and making sure that the house was clean.

I am self-sufficient, but it felt good to not have to be.

Sort of.

I didn't say anything but that didn't seem to bother him. He got up and patted my shoulder, leaving me alone. I flinched at his actions, something he chose not to comment on.

I finished my breakfast and just head to the living room.

No one was there so I sat down, doing nothing.

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