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19| Revelations


Marcus stared at his little sister's bedroom door. He doesn't understand what's happening with her right now.

Seeing her crouch on the floor, begging for forgiveness shocked him.

Marcus knows that there is a gap between the time that they knew her from a child and when her mother took her away.

Rage filled him as he thought about Aurora's mother. Aurora doesn't talk about her much, so they don't know what she was like, but Marcus was fully aware of her activities to know that she was a horrible mother.

Marcus hasn't forgiven her for taking his baby sister away.

"Marcus, what's going on with her?" Donatello asked, breaking the silence between the two brothers as Turi called their other brothers.

They both were tensed up, standing in front of Aurora's door.

Donatello was flabbergasted after he witnessed Aurora's meltdown. He knew that there was more behind her brown eyes because every time be looked into them he saw so much emotion behind them.

He never had enough time to figure out what those emotions were because she covered her expressions up with a blank, cold stare every time.

She was just like Vincenzo.

He chuckled at the thought. Aurora had a little bit of all her brothers in her. She had Vincenzo's authoritative persona, Caledon's calculating mindset, Marcus' rashness, Turi's humour and Donatello's anger.

"Donny, I don't know what to tell you. All I know is that something flipped in her after her time with Christian. He told me everything that she told him in the car, and he feels shitty about it. I don't blame him, because she did switch up on us. I just know that it has to do with something that happened in those ten years we fucking lost track of her," Marcus growled out, frustrated all over again at Aurora's mother.

Donatello didn't know what to think. He went to go knock on Aurora's door again when Marcus stopped him, "Don't scare her even more. Vince said that he has the key to her bedroom lock, and once he gets here we can sort this out."

The two brothers just stood in silence in the hallway, waiting for their older brothers to get there.

Twenty minutes later, Caledon and Vincenzo burst into the house and beelined to Aurora's room.

"How is she?" Vincenzo asked Marcus as he pulled the key to her room out of his jacket pocket.

"I hear nothing coming from her room, so either she's sleeping or trying to be silent," Marcus said.

Donatello stood back with Leo, who worked with Vincenzo and Caledon. He was a psychiatrist and so he could probably help with the damage control.

Vincenzo slowly unlocked Aurora's bedroom door and walked inside.

He motioned for Leo to follow him, "The rest of you just wait out here. I don't want to overwhelm her," Marcus wasn't a fan of Vincenzo's choice but kept his mouth shut and hoped that his baby sister was going to be okay.

Vincenzo walked into Aurora's room and noticed how cold and dark it was.

He saw Aurora crouched in the corner farthest from the door, a blind spot in the room.

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