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Just like Donatello requested, I was at the front door ready before 7:50. 

I was there at 7:45, just so that I could give myself some wiggle room give or take if I'm late or early. 

A five minute window seemed reasonable to me. 

I had cereal for breakfast under the eyes of all five of my brothers. 

Caledon was very nice to me, and unlike Enzo he didn't have this brooding nature. 

At least not one around me. 

I remember I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard someone yelling angrily into a phone so I immediately turned around and waited in the hall for the person to calm down. 

The tone of the voice sent shivers up my spine. I was hoping it wasn't Enzo because I could barely look him in the eyes as it already is. 

After a few minutes the yelling ceased and I slowly walked into the kitchen. 

It was Caledon who looked calmer than ever, and that scared me the most. 

His ability to just go on like nothing happened and he didn't just yell like that is what terrified me. 

Terror. That is something that I keep feeling. 

Maybe it isn't straight up terror, but apprehension and fear are very dominant right now. 

Something felt off about my brothers, and I made it my mission to ignore that inkling. 

Because even if they do abnormal things, as long as I am safe and cared for it doesn't matter to me. 

I want normal and I am going to be normal. 

At least, I'm going to try and be this way. 

No one said anything as they came in, one-by-one and grabbed their coffees and went over morning agendas quietly amongst one another. 

They all were carefully looking at me though, making sure I ate every single bite.

Very kind of them. Made me really fucking nervous though. I thought I was eating weirdly or some shit. 

Donatello said he had something to do first so I just killed time until now. 

I checked my new iPhone that Enzo had given me. I don't know the exact model but it had three cameras in some sort of triangle thing. 

I mean I know about iPhones and shit but I never bothered to keep up with the latest models because mom and I couldn't afford it.

I had a burner phone that I occasionally put money on just for emergency purposes. We had a landline too, but mom only used that to talk to people I have no idea about. 

It was now 7:51, and it was Donatello who was late. 

When he finally arrived he gave me a sort of glare, but I didn't question it. I followed him out to his car, which happened to be some expensive looking jeep. 

I got in the passenger seat without saying a word, and he was happy with that. 

We quickly arrived at school with five minutes left to spare before class. 

I didn't need to go to my locker so I just pushed my glasses up and walking in the direction of my first class, not even saying a word to Donatello. 

My first class was grade ten science. I can't take honours or A.P classes until grade eleven, so I settled for higher level grade ten science. This goes for all my classes because I had all the compulsory electives that I was supposed to take already like Phys. Ed, Art and a Business credit. 

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