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23| Change of Heart

"Aurora, things are complicated when it comes to us Belmonts," Enzo began. I snorted, "Complicated is putting is nice," I snapped at him.

He nodded his head, "You're right. I think a better word is..." He trailed off.

"Dysfunctional," I told him. "All of you are dysfunctional because you don't know how to deal with all your passive-aggressive emotions and you don't like the fact that I'm asking questions about things you don't wanna talk about, but I have no idea what those things are because I don't know a damn thing about any of you, and you barely know me-though your observational skills tell you enough I presume because you all just know random shit about me that I would never tell you. Or maybe it's the fact that you basically stalked me for a year and did nothing to make a move and bring yourselves into my life, but the second that mom dies you're right there and I'm shipped off to live with you guys with no knowledge of anything regarding my family but I'm not allowed to ask any questions because what? Huh? I'm young? I'm just a little girl who has no idea about her brothers' dangerous lives? What is it? Because I'm damn tired of just living in the dark while all these people around me know more about my damn family than I do!" I yelled at him all at once.

All these feelings of anger and annoyance rolled off of me and I couldn't stop myself. I'm in the fucking hospital for Pete's sake!

Enzo stared at me with a bored expression, "Are you done?" He asked me softly. I scoffed at him. Am I done? Was everything I just said to him meaningless? Does he think that I'm a joke?

"Aurora, you may have a lot of questions and I can tell that it's getting to you, but there are things that I can't tell you. There are some things that are beyond me and you, so I need you to be patient. Right now, the only thing that is of my concern is making sure that you are healthier and stronger," Enzo told me while standing up.

I just glared at him. To hell with him.

Stronger and healthier my ass. I saw the look in his eyes, the irritation. He doesn't think I deserve the answers to these questions.

Alright, I'll play it his way. We can do this the hard way.

I'll get my answers, I just won't get it from him. Or any of my brothers for that matter.


I was discharged a day later from the hospital and I've just been in my room, catching up on homework.

Noni comes by every now and again to give me food and my medication, but other than that, I don't talk to anyone.

I decided that I wanted to get food from the kitchen, and it was late at night so I didn't think that anyone was going to be awake. I haven't really had a good night's sleep in a while.

I slowly crept down the hallway to the kitchen when I heard voices.

"She's a brat!" I heard Cale's voice. I quirked a brow and leaned against the wall, listening to whatever conversation he was having.

I heard someone scoff, "Honestly, who does she think she is? Just demanding answers from Vince like that? God! It's not like we don't have our fucking problems! We all went through shit!"

So, Tello has somethings he'd like to get off his chest as well? I mean, I wish they just said all of that to my face. They're cowards for keeping all of this to themselves.

"She doesn't belong here, and I tried to tell Vince that. As much as I missed her, we can't risk anything now, she's not strong enough to be a Belmont," Tello hiccuped. He sounded drunk. Great.

You know what they say, a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts.

Also, what can't they risk?

I decided that I've had enough of this conversation so I cooly walked into the kitchen where those two idiots were talking shit and opened the fridge, scanning the shelves for anything appetizing.

"Aurora, fuck! When did you get here?" Tello asked me, guilt written on his face. I didn't look at him as I grabbed a yogurt tin, "Just now, why?" I grabbed a spoon and started eating while leaning on the counter and looking at my two brothers who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"What did you hear?" Cale asked while pouring the rest of his beer down the sink. "Enough," I said casually while eating my yogurt.

"You weren't supposed to hear any of that," Tello said quietly. I shrugged, "You're not supposed to drink when you're underage. Guess we're both breaking a lot of rules," I said with a cold smile.

He flinched but didn't say anything. There was an awkward silence while I finished my yogurt. When I was done, I threw it in the trash and limped back to my room.

"I never wanted to be a Belmont in the first place!" I called out as I left. Fucking assholes. I'm not strong enough? I don't belong here?

What happened to them never getting tired of me? Huh? What, did they just say that because they felt bad?

I'll show them. I never asked for any of this shit. I didn't demand answers. I asked for them. The only demanding pricks here are them.

I slammed the door to my bedroom and breathed in deeply.

Like I said earlier, I'm gonna get my answers. They said that I don't belong here, so I might as well fuck things up just for kicks now.

They don't know what they signed up for.



Yeah, so it's a shorter chapter. I'm sorry. I didn't want to drag this idea out for too long because well...it would be boring to read.

Anyway, hope y'all is liking this book. Thank you so much for all the votes, comments and support that's being shown.

Peace and blessings.

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