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21| Honour Dares

"Rora!" Rishi screamed as he tackled me in a hug.

I fell onto the floor with an 'oomph' while Rishi was telling me how these past few days were so boring without me and that he hopes that I'm doing better.

Cody yanked him off of me and helped me up.

Then Ayan slapped the back of his head, "Don't attack her like that, you idiot," He winced and apologized.

"Aw, Rora I'm sorry. I just missed you," He said with a pout. Sara rolled her eyes before gently giving me a hug.

"That's how you give someone a hug, Rishi," Sara said teasingly.

Cody gave me a quick hug too but seconds later, Dom threw Cody off of me and tackled me in another bear hug.

"Can you guys stop fucking tackling the poor girl," Cody snapped while dragging Dom off of me again.

I got up and rolled my shoulders out, "Thank's Cody," I said while wincing when I felt my back get a little sore from being tackled to the ground twice in a row.

"Dude, when your brother called us from your phone, I almost shit my pants," Rishi said in a hushed tone while looking around as if Enzo was eavesdropping on our conversation.

I laughed at but Sara glared at me, "Seriously Rora! He was like 'Good afternoon, you all are Aurora's friends. She is sick, come visit her tomorrow, I will text this group chat the details' and then he ended the voice message. Your brothers aren't human," Sara pointed a finger at me as if I was the one to blame for my brother's personality.

I laughed when she attempted to impersonate Enzo with this fake deep voice. It was funny because he actually kind of sounds like how she imitated him.

"Whatever, let's watch a movie," Dom said while throwing an arm over my shoulder and dragging me to the couch. The rest followed suit and plopped down on the couch like they owned the place.

Cody grabbed the remote before selecting Netflix and clicking around, trying to figure out what shows to watch.

"Let's watch Criminal Minds," Dom suggested. He looked around and everyone agreed so Dom shrugged and selected the show.

I felt kind of bad that they were wasting their day away with me. I haven't been social at all and they're all coddling me like I'm some child.

My happiness is not other people's responsibility.

"I'm sorry that you guys had to come visit me while I'm all grouchy and stuff," I said quietly. Cody pauses the episode, "Rora, you don't have to apologize. We all have our bad days," Cody smiled at me.

I nodded my head. Ayan sighed and got up from her spot before sitting on the other side of me before giving me a big hug.

"Rora, we want you to be happy, okay? If we have to deal with a few bad days to get there then we do." Her words stirred a feeling inside of me, one that I can't explain at the moment.

I nodded, "Alright, I'm done being emotional. Let's watch this show, I've never seen it," I said which made Sara gasp.

"You've got to be kidding me?" She looked kind of upset.

"Uh, no?" I asked while looking at the others. Dom patted my shoulder with pity, "Rora, you're about to be tortured with Criminal Minds forever until you've seen all of it," Dom said.

Rishi snorted, "That's not even the worst part." I looked at him with alarm.

"What's the worst part than?" I asked with apprehension.

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