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06| Neighbourhood Friends

Everyone said that they would meet me at my locker because it was on the bottom floor closest to the entrance.

I was putting my books away when I heard someone clear their throat.

I turned around and Marcus and Turi were staring at me.

"Vince said that you're going to go hang with some of your new friends?" Marcus asked. I nodded my head, closing my locker door and hiking my bag over my shoulders.

Turi grabbed it from me and handed me some cash.

"Don't spend it all. Vince said that you'd text him the address. Just send it in the groupchat instead so that either one of us can come and pick you up." Turi said before him and Marcus walked off.

"Hey! Rora!" I heard Rishi call out. I turned around and noticed all of them making their way towards me.

Dom looked like he was about to tackle me but Sara shoved him away and hooked her arm with mine.

"Go away you thirsty rat." She said when he tried to take my other arm. Cody slapped the back of Dom's head before leading us to where his brother was picking us up.

It was a big like, 9 seater SUV. I can't even describe what it looks like to be honest.

I sat in the back with Sara while Ayan, Rishi and Dom sat in the middle and Cody sat in the front.

"Who's your new friend?" His older brother asks.

"Oh yeah, Rora this is Kaden. Kaden this is Aurora. She's new here." Cody said, turning around and giving me a smile.

I nodded my head.

"Like Belmont?" His brother asked. I narrowed my eyes in, "Yes. Like Belmont." I said.

Why is everyone trippin over my last name? I know my brothers are scary and shit but they aren't celebrities or something. Also how did he know my name's Belmont?

"No need to get defensive, I just know your brother Caledon." He laughed, taking a right turn and heading towards the same neighbourhood I live in.


Cody's house was basically down the street from where I live. After we got there and got settled into the basement where he had a fucking theatre room, game room and living area, we put on some movie but really we were just talking about  random shit.

"So all of y'all live round here?" I asked, catching them off guard.

I don't usually speak like that because mom always was up on me about sounding uneducated. Obviously it comes out if I'm lazy.

As I got older and I started to read more and shit, it sort of filtered out of my mind because my vocabulary was growing but it never left me.

"Damn Rora sometimes I forget that you're from Chicago." Rishi said.

I shrugged, "That's not a Chicagoan native slang or whatever the fuck, it's just me being lazy with my words." I said, fiddling with the loose thread on the end of my blazer sleeve.

"You swear a lot. Way more than me, and I swear a shit ton." Dom said, throwing a pillow at Cody who seemed to be mocking him.

I laughed.

"Yeah no shit. Thanks captain obvious." Ayan said while closing her math textbook.

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