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08| Fairness, Slang and Laughter

On the drive to school, Donatello looked like he wanted to ask me something the entire time but was holding off.

Until we pulled up at the school, then he finally opened his mouth.

"Do you think that the punishment is unfair?" He asked. His tone suggested something completely different to the nature of his question. Something that was supposed to be a matter of opinion, coming from him the way he said it suggested that I really had no room to be unhappy with my punishment.

How condescending.

"I talked back and broke a rule. Punishment is warranted." I said. He nodded, seeming happy with this answer.

I got out of his car and headed to my class. I didn't look like I pulled an all-nighter so that is good, because the last thing I need is for people to start pointing out that I looked like shi...

I didn't even finish that thought because I every time I swore, I only thought about Enzo's voice ringing through my head.

I took a seat at my lab bench and ignored Will.

I opened my notebook and sighed, this was going to be my distraction.

"Hello chemistry." I said to myself before getting into it.


"What did you do to piss your brothers off that much?" Sara asked me in Law class. I shrugged, "I have an attitude problem."

None of them pushed, but they tried to cheer me up.

"Rora, tell Cody that people put the cereal in the bowl first, and then the milk." Rishi exclaimed while we worked on a case study.

Ayan looked at Cody with disgust and then mumbled lowly, "White people." I laughed at that.

Sara shook her head at him too, "On behalf of the whites, we don't account for you." She said, waving him off.

"Guys c'mon! It isn't that weird." Cody said, throwing his hands up in the air.

I told him to quiet down and I asked some of my other friends who were in grade 11, "Yo, Jay, Connor, cereal and then milk or milk before cereal?" I asked.

They both turned their heads and looked at me like I was crazy, "The first one! What are you saying?"

I laughed and pointed to Cody, "He puts the milk in and then the cereal." They both looked disgusted.

"Dude that's nasty." Alex said before turning back around.

Jay just shook his head in disappointment before continuing with his work too.

"See Cody? But I have to thank you man, you've made yourself so unattractive that all the girls are going to want to date me instead." Dom said.

"Yeah sure they will." Sara said and Ayan threw a pencil at him.

"Whatever man. You guys are all just noobs." Cody said before finishing his work.

"You calling the Indian kid a noob?" Rishi asked a little too loudly.

I started cracking up and the other people around us did too. Cody was blushing firetruck red which made me laugh even more.

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