Anyone can change, I promise

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"Anyone can change, I promise!" Said Ophelia Marigold, smiling at her best friend of many years, Primrose Halpert. "See, this character will change because she is clever enough to do so." She pointed to a name in a book she was reading.

The pair were seated at the edge of the Black Lake after their first week of school. They were in an argument over a fictional character, and Primrose's pale skin had grown flush in her frustration.

Ophelia would not accept that not everyone could change, even with new influences in their lives. Primrose pulled at the grass.

"Ophelia, you cannot honestly think that after betraying her entire family, she could just change." Said Primrose, "look at the evidence, the book, and and the EvIdeNce."

"But, that's where her character arch is heading, Rosie dearest, I can just feel it." Said Ophelia, cheeks tinting pink. Primrose spotted the sudden colour change and met her eyes, glaring.

"Can you? Can you just feel it? Or did you finish the book without me?" Asked Primrose mock disbelief all over her face, Ophelia looked down and away, biting her lip, Primrose simply threw the grass all over her honey coloured hair.

"You bitch." Said Ophelia, returning the favour,

"Oh, I get betrayed and suddenly I go from Rosie dearest to a bitch." Said Primrose running away from her towards the water.

Ophelia ran after her, laughing as they splashed around in the water.

"Damn straight." She said, as a wave of water hit her square in the chest. "Oh, we are using magic now?" Said Ophelia, summoning a massive wave of water and suspending it above Primrose's head.

It dropped and primrose just tackled her into the water.

"When did you get so strong?" Asked Ophelia, as they made their way to the shore soaking wet.

"Quidditch practice all summer, bitch. This is the year I finally make the team." Said Primrose as they sat back on the grass watching the sun inch further away from that high point in the sky.

"With a tackle like that you're better off in American football." Said Ophelia and Primrose laughed.

They pulled their Hufflepuff cloaks back on and made their way into the castle.

"Can't believe you would finish it without me." Muttered Primrose.

"I'll find us another book and you can do the same to me, does that make you feel better?" Asked Ophelia, her Brunette friend rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Fine but you have to act surprised." She said, as they slid into their seats still slightly damp.

"How is this?" Asked Ophelia gasping and dramatically putting her hand over her forehead, "oh what great betrayal, throw hath taken the life's blood from my veins, I am killed by this disloyalty."

"Very Shakespearean." Said Primrose, nodding Ophelia smiled,

"As much as he was a pretentious bastard he was also a genius." Said Ophelia, "Son of a bitch was so good at selling plays."

Primrose rolled her deep blue eyes and smiled a little bit, she knew Ophelia had read everything of his she could get her hands on since she had learnt that that is where her name came from.

"Hello, love." Said Alastor Clover, a Hufflepuff seventh year with a strong jawline messy curls all over his head and an unhealthy obsession with Primrose. Not like a shrine or anything he'd just really wanted a date with her.

He had backed off for a while after she had first said no, because Hufflepuffs had manners, but after the summer and growing about a foot, he seemed to have gotten a second wind of confidence.

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