Because she made him laugh

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"Do you ever feel happy, Riddle? Like really happy?" She asked as they made their rounds that night.

"What do you mean?" He asked, as they walked down the dark hall, torches being the only source of light.

"Like have you ever had the only emotion you feel at a given moment be happiness?" Asked Ophelia. Tom looked down at her.

"I think so." He said.

"You think so?" She questioned.

"Well its fleeting, but it's there." He said.

She looked at him for a moment, "Let's play a game." She said, pulling him to a window and sitting on the ledge and gesturing for him to sit across from her.

"We are prefects, what if someone comes?" He asked.

"Then you were being a perfect gentleman and checking on my ankle which I twisted." She said, rubbing her ankle to prove her point.

There was enough space on the ledge for her to cross her legs to face him, he mimicked her.

"Put your hands on mine." She said putting her hands out palms up.

"This is idiotic, Marigold." Said Tom, rolling his eyes at her.

"Unless you want to play the Shakespeare game, this is all I could think of." She said, "Now put your hands on mine, or are you a little bitch?"

He rolled his eyes and placed his hands on hers. Her hands were warm. His were cold.

"Now what? Are we having a seance?" He asked.

"No, now I'm going to try and slap your hands and you are going to try and pull them away before I do." She said.

"This is childish." He said.

"Say what you will, but children are happier than adults." She said, focusing on his hands before slapping them before he had a chance to pull away, "I got you." She said, a big smile on her face.

He glared at her before placing his hands on hers again, and getting away the next three times a smile working its way across his features at her mumbled curse words each time he escaped her.

"You go." She said, and she placed her hands on his. He waited a while "Are you going to go o-" he hit her hands and she glared at him, "you fooled me." She said. "I want another chance."

"If you insist, Marigold." He said, she managed to pull her hands away in time.

"Suck it." She said before placing her hands on his again. "Fuck." She said as he continued to win.

"Maybe you should just keep your hands still, Marigold, it's the same effect." Said Tom taunting her, she was going to glare at him but he was smiling. A big unabashed smile that lit up the entire room.

"I have the reflexes of a cat." She said, placing her hands on his. He hit them easily, "Okay, a dead cat."

He laughed. Her eyes were alight just from the sound of it.

She held her hands out and he placed his hands on them. "Are you ready?" She asked,

"Isn't the point of the game that I'm not supposed to b-" she hit his hands and let out a giggle.

Tom felt all warm and fuzzy. Happiness was like a high. Ophelia was like a drug.

"Bitch." He muttered and she laughed, then covered her mouth, smiling. Because Tom Riddle never swore.

"Riddle, are you alright?" She asked, placing her hand on his forehead as though to check his temperature. "No fever. Weird I could have sworn that you just cursed." She put her hand down and he was still smiling a bit.

"I've been spending too much time with you, Marigold." He said, his smile still there.

"There is no such thing as spending too much time with me." She said, flipping her hair behind her head for effect. He was staring at her, "What?"

"Nothing." He said quietly,

"Redemption round, Tom Riddle." She said holding her hands out, "I know you want one." She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Fine." He said, but she could see his ill concealed smile.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat