Nott Blocked

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Primrose had met Alastor at Madame Puddifoot's for tea. Sandra had gone back to the school leaving Ophelia in Honeyduke's alone. She could not pick what to get.

She plucked a few sugar quills and some liquorish wands. Then her personal favourite honey squares. They not only matched her aesthetic, but they were delicious.

She arrived at the counter and payed as she was leaving she spotted Theodore Nott alone a little ways up the path.

A golden opportunity. She bit her lip.

She had just gathered the nerve to catch up to him when a voice grabbed her from her focus.

"Honestly, Marigold, I would confuse you for a diabetic with a bag of candy like that." Said Riddle, falling into step beside her. She sighed.

If she was going to get shot down, she sure as hell didn't want it to be in front of him.

"It's not all for me, Riddle." She said, "Some of us like to share." He scoffed at her, "Some may even say that sharing is caring." He rolled his eyes as her, "in fact, would you like a sugar quill Riddle?"

She opened the bag for him but he declined.

"I don't like sweet things." Said Tom and it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"Everyone is addicted to sugar, a report I read said that it's more addictive than narcotics." Said Ophelia.

"So we should embrace is?" Asked Tom incredulously, "No will power, Marigold?"

"Hardly, I just accept it. Plus I like sweet things, if I want to I'll eat." Said Ophelia, eating a sugar quill. "Have you ever done something just because you wanted to, regardless of consequences, with no ulterior motive other than to have fun?"

"No, that would be idiotic." Said Tom, as they gradually grew nearer to the castle.

"Then call me an idiot." She said.

"You're an idiot, Marigold." He said and she laughed. Tom had never really made anyone laugh before. He had never really been made to laugh before her. Coincidence. He was a future dark lord.

"I never knew you had a sense of humour." She said.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now