Honey, honey

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Honey. She always smelt like honey.

She liked the smell, and it matched her aesthetic so she ran with it. Right now she was taking a bath in the prefects bathroom. The whole room smelt like a bee hive had exploded.

She let the warm water wash away all her stress for the weeks to come. Tests, assignments, her ex boyfriend potentially getting drafted, and potentially not telling her, usual teenage stuff. That and Grindelwald was going on a rampage. But if you asked her he was just trying to get Dumbledores attention.

She heard the door open and all that stress suddenly came back. Her head whipped around, and she reached for her towel, pulling it towards her.

"The sign says occupied." Said Ophelia, incongruous towards where her clothes lay.

Whoever it was kept walking into the room. "It's for all prefects, Marigold, and lord knows there is enough room in there to fit twenty." Said a familiar cold voice.

Ophelia finally reached the edge, "Just don't look." She said, it's not that she didn't have a nice body it just was not flawless.

After her small growth spurt she had light stretch marks on her inner thighs and then there was the scar that she had just woken up with one morning in the hospital wing. She didn't want him asking about it. She didn't want the first guy she was fully nude in front of to make her feel bad about herself.

"Don't flatter yourself." Said Tom, but even with her back to him she could feel him looking as she began her climb out of the bath.

"I said don't look." She said, turning her face to him, glaring at him, and he looked away up at the ceiling, so she climbed out quickly and made her way to the stalls, closing the door behind her to change.

"I don't see why you're insecure." He said.

She pulled on her underwear and attached her bra. As she pulled up her skirt.

"You are very critical about me, Riddle, I don't see why this would be any different." She said, especially when you look bloody perfect.

He said nothing. Nothing to show that he had in fact read her thoughts. She emerged from the stall fully clothed.

"Personally I always found you aesthetically appealing, Marigold." He said, and she raised her eyebrows and almost choked on her spit.

"Thank you." She muttered, "it's all yours, Riddle." She said as she left the bathroom extremely flustered.

Ophelia left leaving Tom to sit alone in the tub. It still reeked of honey. He couldn't even begin to understand how she could possibly be insecure about her body.

He always found her beautiful. But she did have a point. He was critical of her. He didn't know why. Well he was a colossal prick. He was honest, brutally so with his peers.

He closed his eyes and for a minute he thought she was next to him.

But she didn't want him. He didn't even know if he wanted her. He just didn't want anyone else to have her until he figured that out.

He didn't care if he was being the cock block of the century. Theodore Nott would never take Ophelia Marigold to Hogsmeade.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now