Fuck you, Dumbledore

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Exams were in full swing and Ophelia was rarely seen without her quill scribbling something on parchment. Right now however she was heading to professor Dumbledore's office because she had been summoned.

She did not particularly like the professor. She found him irritating, elusive, and he never got to the fucking point. His eyes really freaked her out.

Legilimency was very real and she always felt like he was going through her head. Because when it came to her family, Ophelia had a lot to hide. Mister moral compass professor could never understand. Ophelia knocked at his door.

"Come in, Miss Marigold." She entered the office, and took a seat opposite the old man. "Lemon drop?"

"No thank you, Professor. Why did you summon me?" She asked on the brink of imitation of the Gryffindor girl who had told her to go see him. She had been short, scottish and had handed her the note with dumbledore's elegant scrawl as though scared the thing would explode.

"Well I happened to notice you have been spending a great deal of time with Tom Riddle, I can't help but wonder..." Ophelia had to hide her evident shock, what a nosy little-, he could probably read her mind so she could not finish her thought.

"Professor, I can't help but wonder why you think this is any of your business." She said bluntly, and professor raised his eyebrows in surprise,

"I was simply wondering what he has told you about the Knights of Walpurgis." Said the old professor looking at her as though wondering why she was not a Gryffindor. Ophelia could almost take offence to that. I mean she was glad he didn't take offence to her candor but still.

"Why would Tom know anything about them? He has never mentioned it." Said Ophelia, shifting in her seat at the newfound scrutiny from her most perceptive professor.

"What has he told you about? Anything strike a chord with you?" Asked Dumbledore leaning back in his seat and staring at the Hufflepuff.

"He mentioned something about immortality. I found it odd." Said Ophelia thoughtfully.

"Why?" Asked the professor.

"Well wizards already live a long time, and I have always looked forward to getting older and dressing in those really comfortable looking robes." Said Ophelia and the professor chuckled.

"They are very comfortable." Said Dumbledore, smiling at his own purple robes. "What else has he told you?"

Ophelia shifted under his gaze and raised an eyebrow not wanting to betray Tom's trust. "What do you want me to say, professor? Is there something I should be worried about?"

"You've been victim to the Knights of Walpurgis." He said.

"I am familiar with their work." Said Ophelia her posture rigid and her foot tapping lightly on the floor out of nerves. She had tried everything to get that damn tattoo off her back. It was not good for her to have a visible tattoo in her line of work. At least she had managed to find a glamour that could cover it up.

"I suspect that he is their leader." Said Dumbledore, watching her eyes go wide and her face drain of all colour.

"That's not possible." She whispered. "Tom would never, he wouldn't." Ophelia looked away from the professor, choosing to fixate on the red bird sitting in a structure behind him.

"Miss Marigold, it is my opinion that you bring out the best in him." Said Dumbledore, "But that does not change who he is when you are not around. I understand that this is a lot to take in." Ophelia turned her face to him in an expression which just dripped, really, bitch, do you? Before schooling her features. "Are you familiar with the effects of being conceived under the effects of a love potion?"

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