Nevermind, it's stupid

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"Patronuses." Said professor Merrythought, happily, as a little silvery Irish Bloodhound ran around the room. The professor waved her wand and the Patronus disappeared. "Very difficult to conjure." She said to the class.

Ophelia was on the edge of her seat completely enthralled with the concept of happiness saving your soul.

"Many of the most powerful wizards can only manage a few wisps of silvery magic." Said Merrythought. "To conjure a patronus you need a happy memory, a powerful memory. It can't be something like the first time you rode a broom, or when your favourite song came on the radio. It has to be the kind of memory that warms you from your head to your toes, consuming you. Then you say," the professor raised her wand, "expecto patronum."

The dog was back and Ophelia watched with eager golden eyes as the dog made its way to her and even knocked over some of her papers. She laughed and watched as it returned to Merrythought before disappearing.

"This spell is so simple yet so complex." Said Merrythought, "Which is why I am giving you until next class to think of a memory. Then we will see what you can do. Until then I expect seven inches on dementors and what they do to your soul. Any questions?"

Ophelia raised her hand, and the teacher nodded at her, "Can you give us an example of a memory, professor?"

"Excellent question, Miss Marigold, I think of my husband on our wedding day." Said Merrythought, "but when I was learning about them at your age I thought of a day at the beach with my family. Or lunches spent laughing with my friends. This is also why Patronuses can get stronger as you make stronger memories as you age." The professor turned her attention to someone else, and Ophelia felt the immediate relief at no longer being on the professor's radar.

"I think she means her wedding night." Whispered Primrose from beside her and she snickered. "Ten sickles says yours is going to be a badger."

"Nah, I think it's going to be something completely unpredictable. And yet makes total sense." Muttered Ophelia and she shook Primrose's hand sealing the bet. "Yours is going to be a bird, I can feel it."

"What memory do you think you'll use?" Asked Primrose.

"Well the one I would've used I can't anymore, so I haven't the slightest clue." She said, and Primrose sighed quietly.

"I think I'll either think of slumber parties in the dorm or slumber parties with Alastor." She said, happily.

"Rosie, you've been holding out on me." She said, the bell rang and they began to gather their things. "Tell me everything."

"Well it was no boat, but you never told me the prefects bathroom was so nice." Said Primrose and Ophelia's jaw dropped.

"Did you use..." asked Ophelia as they left the classroom, and Primrose rolled her eyes.

"Please, my mother put me on the potion as soon as I turned fourteen." Said Primrose as they walked out of the castle and to the big tree that stood beside the lake. "It's quite regular for pure blood heiresses, no one wants a forced marriage, well that kind of forced marriage."

"I see." Said Ophelia, pausing suddenly, "is Alastor there, will I have to endure an entire lunch of you two fawning over whose prettier?"

"Well, he is there but, I swear that will only go on for twenty minutes tops." She said, and Ophelia turned away, blowing her a kiss.

"Farewell, my friend, I would rather dine with the lions than with thee and thy boe." Said Ophelia over her shoulder.

"Have fun with your brother!" Said Primrose, watching her skip away.

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя