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It was under her nails,

In her hair,

On her dress,

All over her hands,

On her face,

"Stay with me, Please, please, Lita, stay," said Ophelia, crying as her dying friend lay in terminal condition after one well placed slicing hex from Tom Riddle,

"Ophelia let her go." He had said,

"Get away from me!" She yelled at him, and then when she looked at him, there was no affection there, if there was even love it was buried beneath the surface,

Ophelia tore part of her dress to try and stop the bleeding. She tried to use her wand to heal her but it was no use. The magic was too dark too advanced.

"Mi Amor, you need to go," said Lolita, "You need to run."

"Not without you," said Ophelia, then she looked at Tom, "Fix. This."

"Ophelia leave her, come on, we can go home," said Tom,

"Lita is my home." Said Ophelia, "I can't leave her."

Tom's eyes widened and Ophelia went back to trying to heal her friend, but he knew all her attempts would be futile,

"They'll he tracking your magic," said Lolita, "Find Dumbledore first. Get a disguise and find Dumbledore, hide for as long as you can until you see him."

"I don't want to do it alone," said Ophelia,

"Ophelia, come on." Said Tom, scanning their surroundings to see ministry and MACUSA cars beginning to swarm the park,

"I love you." Said Lolita,

"I love you too," said Ophelia, squeezing her hand, and feeling Lolita's grip loosen slowly, "No, no, please don't go,"

"I'm sorry."

Ophelia scrubbed the blood off her hands in the park's public restroom, and she washed her face with the cool water. She looked up into the mirror, and her golden eyes, once filled with happiness and love of life, were bleak and filled with loss. Her mother, her father, Ricky, Carl, Lolita, all gone. 

Maybe Ophelia Marigold should be gone too.

"She's gone Ophelia," said Tom almost smiling at her, before he was hit with a particularly powerful Wandless stupefy, Ophelia looked so angry, he'd never seen her so angry

"Must you take everything from me?" She asked, "I only got a night knowing she loved me, and I loved her, and you took her away?"


"You take everything from me. You dark lords with your self righteous attitudes," said Ophelia, "You took my hopes of a somewhat domestic future, you kill my friends. My family. My ex husbands. You kill people for the crime of loving me. Why?"

"Because they deserve it! Grindelwald would never have taken you if it weren't for-"

"Ricky? Well. I hate to break it to you, love, but all Marigold safe houses were compromised. He would have gotten me either way," said Ophelia, tears falling freely down her face, and then she, Ophelia Marigold froze him in place as she stood up and took note of her surroundings,

She covered Tom with Lolita's blood, attaching him to the ground where he stood.

She stood slowly and watched the Aurors get closer,

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now