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Ophelia and Tom had just finished briefing the prefects on what was expected of them that year. It appears the equilibrium of command and kindness created by the pair was working out. They were called to the headmaster's office after dinner.

"What do you think it's about?" Asked Tom as they left the great hall, Ophelia looped her arm through his and shrugged.

"I don't know, love, maybe it's a briefing on what is expected this year." She said, and Tom's insides melted in satisfaction at the nickname leaving her lips.

"Didn't they already do that on the train?" He asked and her eyes went to his.

"Dippet wasn't there, but did you see Slughorn's face?" She said, smiling up at him. "I swear, I thought he was going to kiss the ground you walked on."

"He likes seeing us together." Said Tom and Ophelia's smile widened.

"We make a good team." Said Ophelia, as they approached the door to the headmaster's office. "Before we go in, what is the wildest theory you can come up with on why we were called here?" Tom looked down at her, amused.

"Alligators are attacking the school and you are the only person who can deal with it." Said Tom and Ophelia scrunched her nose.

"Don't joke about that." She said and he cracked a smile at her horrified expreession. "Or I'll suggest they are making you a Gryffindor."

"That's worse than the alligators." He said and she laughed lightly before knocking on the door.

"Come in, come in." Said Dippet and the pair entered the room, they spotted a boy sitting in a chair. "Tom, Ophelia, this is Jason Finnigan."

"Jason?" Said Ophelia as she recognized the brunette boy in the chair. He turned around and raised his eyebrows.

"Little Lia?" He said, and she scowled at the nickname but removed her arm from Tom's to meet Jason half way for a hug.

"No one calls me that anymore, well besides Henry." Said Ophelia and Jason picked her up, Tom's jaw tensed and Dippet just seemed shocked that they knew each other.

"I can see why," He set her down, and looked at her and she walked back towards Tom,

"Oh right," Said Ophelia, she looked between Dippet and Tom, "Jason and I grew up in the same town, he was a regular ars -jerk, he was a jerk." Said Ophelia Dippet seemed extremely amused, watching old friends reunite was always entertaining, well not for Tom.

"Was not." Said Jason childishly and she scoffed and turned to Dippet.

"He called me Little Lia, we are the same age." She said before raising an eyebrow at Jason. "What are you doing here?"

"Dad got transferred to the British ministry, we just moved to Essex." Said Jason,

"Mister Finnigan is a transfer from Beauxbatons." Said Dippet, "I called you both here to give him tour and introduce him to a few friendly faces, but clearly introductions were not in order. Tom and Ophelia are our head students this year."

"Little Lia is head girl?" He said sounding surprised, and her big gold eyes narrowed at him.

"And this is surprising how?" She asked, Tom almost smirked at how pretty she was when she was irritated at other men.

"Miss Marigold is one of our top students." Said Dippet clearly amused,

"She couldn't spell he-"

"Why don't we get started on that tour," Said Ophelia smiling charmingly at professor Dippet, "Nice hat by the way, professor."

The professor touched his hat and smiled, "Madam Malkin makes them special for me."

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