Grandma Marigold

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"Miss Marigold." Said Professor Sprout, standing by her at the Hufflepuff table in the great hall,

"Yes Professor?" She said, turning to her favourite professor, her smile present on her face.

"Your parents are here to take you home, your Grandmother is ill." Said Professor Sprout.

"Oh my god." Said Ophelia her smile falling off her face and standing up, "Wait, which one?"

"Your father's mother." Said professor Sprout and Ophelia internally rolled her eyes,

She nodded and followed her professor out of the great hall and to her office where her parents sat.

"Little Lia." Said her dad giving her a big hug. "I'm sorry but you're Grandmother really needs us right now."

Ophelia knew grandma Alice was not ill. There was no way, she just got in scrapes like this all the time. Who did she want to screw over this time? The Burlingtons?

Her dad let go and her mother kissed her forehead, "Mum." She said as though embarassed.

"Thank you, professor Sprout." Said Ophelia as she and her parents stepped into the fireplace.

"Marigold Manor." Said her father, before they disappeared.


"Give me my wallet back." Said Nathaniel and Ophelia tossed him his wallet before sitting on the couch next to her brother.

"Back pocket, getting sloppy." Said Ophelia and her brother messed up her hair affectionately, "How's the art gallery going?"

"Phenomenal, sister dearest, how's Prim?" He asked and Ophelia hit his shoulder.

"My closest confidante, is beyond thine league brother dear. She already has another suitor I fear." Said Ophelia.

"Who is this son of a female dog? He shall be brought forth for judgement at the end of my wand." Said Henry, and Ophelia laughed and he realized how that sounded.

"Henry, you have to think about your words." Said Cordelia sitting on the couch opposite the children.

"I know , I know." He said, and Ophelia laughed again, "I know you win." He said, "So, who are we this time?"

"Your Grandmother is currently swindling an older gentlemen down at the race track." Said Cordelia, looking between her two focused children, and handing them each a file.

"How does Grandpa feel about that?" Asked Henry,

"It's part of the job." Said her father, "He understands."

"I'm sure." SAid Ophelia, knowing Arlon Marigold was a bit jealous he told him as much. "You want to make my name Florence?"

"Nah, that's me. You're Gertrude." Said Henry and Ophelia frowned.

"Mum, really?" Asked Ophelia and Henry poked her cheek.

"Gertrude, no more Little Lia."

"Oh yeah Florence." She said, and her parents laughed at their children.

"Okay, kids, Gerdie? You are running the ground game. I want you to find him, our mark who's name is ironically Mark, find Lolita who will give you the package." Said Nathaniel, "You'll be wearing a wig of course."

"Of course." She repeated scanning the file, "How will Lolita know it's me?"

"Your eyes, dear." Said Cordelia, "Marigolds all have golden eyes, the Burlingtons know this."

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