In Which Tom Manipulates

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McKenna was out of the hospital wing but he had a black eye and a small scar on his right temple. Ophelia hadn't gone an entire day without visiting at least once because he did the same for her.

In potions they had finished and she was staring at him.

"Stop staring." Said Ricky but Ophelia did not look away. "I didn't get it in a fight, why are you like this?"

"Shhh, don't ruin the fantasy." Said Ophelia, "I think Rosie made an appointment for me to see a shrink. So I won't be like this for long."

"So I should enjoy it while I can?" Asked Ricky and Ophelia laughed.

"Precisely, you look rather attractive like this." She said, and he frowned. "What? Would you prefer a different adjective?"

"Don't flirt with me if you aren't going to follow through on anything." He grumbled, looking away from her, "The result is rather frustrating."

"I'm sorry." She said, "Would you prefer to talk about the weather?"

"Okay fine you can flirt with me one more time." Said Ricky smiling cockily at her, she wrinkled her nose.

"Oh really can I , can I have the privilege?" She asked.

"Why yes you can," he said

"The twenty one letters in the alphabet cannot create enough words to describe how hot you are." She said, and he looked confused.

"There are twenty six letters." He said, and a half smile appeared on her face.

"How could I forget U R A Q T?" She said and McKenna nearly fell out of his seat laughing.

"Damn that was smooth." He said, and she raised an eyebrow.

"My brother has a book of pick up lines in his room. Your turn your turn otherwise I might feel cheap." Said Ophelia, turning to face him.

"If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable." Said Ricky and Ophelia laughed so hard that her whole face turned pink,

"A chicken? A bloody chicken?" She said laughing, "that's the best you can do?"

"Well I have been learning about these important dates in history, how would you like to be on one of them?" He asked and Ophelia nodded, still giggling a little bit.

"Much better." She said.


"Yes, real improvement." Said Ophelia, as she began to pack her things.

"Nice to know." Said Ricky,

Professor Slughorn collected their potion, "You two certainly are joyful today." Commented the professor and Ophelia smiled charmingly.

"Forgive us, professor, McKenna was just practicing his stand up routine." Said Ophelia prompting the professor to chuckle, "Is Tom alright? He never misses your class."

"He's come down with a rather high fever, he's in the hospital wing." Said Slughorn watching as any trace of a smile fell from Ophelia's face.

"Is he going to be alright?" Asked Ophelia

"I'm not sure but he is being kept overnight." Said Slughorn and Primrose arrived at the desk.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Go to lunch without me, there's somewhere I need to be." Said Ophelia, her eyebrows furrowed in concern and the professor Slughorn smiled at her.

"Say hello to Mr Riddle for me." He said as she left the room hastily.

"Will do." She called over her shoulder.

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