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Ophelia was sitting outside with Jason and Primrose who looked increasingly bored with the pair.

"McLaggen is far more interesting than you lot." Said Primrose.

"I agree with you there, Primrose." Said Jason.

"I'm hurt, Rosie, genuinely hurt." Said Ophelia, her hair fanned out like a halo around her head.

"You haven't told me one more interesting embarrassing fact about Lili that I could actually use against her." Said Primrose and Jason raised his eyebrows at her and Ophelia's smile dropped.

"Don't you fucking dare." Said Ophelia as she scrambled to sit up and cover his mouth.

"Lia and I too-" his mouth was covered and Ophelia's front was now pressed to his back.

"We took nothing. You wanted to go see McLaggen?" Said Ophelia and Primrose raises her eyebrow,

Suddenly Jason moved her legs so they were wrapped around his waist and stood up, essentially giving her a piggy back ride.

She yelped and moved her arms to be around his neck for improved stability.

"We used to take tap dancing lessons. We are Irish it should come as no shock." Said Jason, not letting her down.

"You've been holding out on me, but you should know that she turns tap dancer when she's drunk." Said Primrose and Jason laughed, adjusting Ophelia on his back.

"You should also note, Rosie darling, that the one person who loves Primrose Halpert more than Ophelia Marigold is drunk Ophelia Marigold." Said Ophelia, as she was slowly set down.

"You've informed me once or twice." Said Primrose as she moved to fully face the pair, "were you partners?"

"Yes, we were the only ones not convinced the other had cooties." Said Jason.

"Well, I was never fully convinced that you didn't." Said Ophelia and Jason feigned getting shot in the heart and stumbling to the ground prompting Primrose to laugh.

Ophelia sat back down as Primrose began to do her hair.

"I hate professor Slughorn." Proclaimed Ricky as he sat down next to Jason. "Can't he learn my name? He keeps calling me Mackenzie."

"He was convinced I was Finnish for several weeks, mate, full on from Finland." Said Jason, shaking his head, "I am Irish as fuck."

"Maybe a little French." Said Primrose, and Ophelia snickered, "You did spend much of your life in France did you not? Getting shot down by the lovely Lolita."

"You had to tell her?" He asked shaking his curly haired head at Ophelia.

"Lolita did, they are penpals now." Said Ophelia, shrugging.

"She never writes me." Said Jason frowning.

"That's quite alright, she did say you were handsome once does that make you feel better?" Asked Ophelia and Jason looked prideful for a moment.

"Much." Said Jason.

"What does Lolita look like?" Asked Ricky curiously, having never actually seen the girl.

"Oh! She sent me a picture." Said Ophelia, fishing the photo Lolita had sent her out of her pocket. It was of the two of them smiling in Germany before you know, they robbed a bank. "There see?"

"Wow." Said Ricky looking closely, "She's so,"

"Beautiful," supplied Jason,

"Stunning," said Ophelia

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now