Marry Me?

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Ophelia reached the hall and put a hand to her forehead, she had to think. They already had the key, and Lolita had the prints so she just needed to survive the night. Without the Spencer-Moon name she wouldn't get to the vault, she wouldn't get to what it is she had to steal, she wouldn't get out of this alive or with a live family.

She missed her mother, and in moments of need like this she would fall into childish thoughts, I want my mom being one of them.

What the fuck was Tom Riddle doing here? She had made sure that no one she knew was on the guest list.

She walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. She could do this.

She walked out and just as expected Tom was leaning on the wall outside. His face was blank and his jaw clenched.

She cast a nonverbal silencio and a notice me not charm around them, as he stared at her, after months without her, there she was alive and well. Pretending to be someone else,

"Did you need to use the toilet as well?" She asked in her airy American accent.

"I haven't seen you in months, and the first thing you say to me is about the toilet?" He asked, and she closed her eyes tight for a moment. It was for his own safety. She decided and reopened her eyes.

"I've never met you before." She said, "I'm Poppy Amara,"

"Middle name?"

"Juliette." She answered, and he raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry but I need to get back to the party."

"Ophelia," he said and she froze, she hadn't heard that name in so long, "I've been looking for you."

"You must be confused. My name is Poppy Amara." She repeated but she couldn't lie to him. She loved him. There was an evident tremor in her voice and he took her hand in his, pulling her back to him,

"Why didn't you want me to find you?" He asked and Ophelia gave in. She was tired and right now staying mad at him for lying made her feel like a hypocrite. A single tear fell from one of her golden eyes and she wiped it away quickly,

"I don't want to put you in danger, love," she said the Irish coming back strong, and he held her hand tighter.

"I can take care of you, come on we can leave right now, I can keep you safe." He said resolutely, and she shook her head,

He still used the same cologne,

"He has my family, he's already killed my mother I don't want to tempt his hand. I have to do this. Don't fuck this up for me. If this doesn't work, then everyone I love is as good as dead." Said Ophelia sighing as she attempted to pull her hand from his,

"What are you going to do?" Asked Tom, looking down at her he could see pain in her eyes.

"Whatever it takes to save my family. Now please let go." She whispered and he dropped her hand, and then she was one pace away before spinning around and hugging him tightly, before letting go and taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry, love, truly."

She began to walk away, but he called after her,

"This isn't over." He said, and she frowned before pausing and resuming her light and airy personality,

She smiled at each person who greeted her and exchanged pleasantries easily as she made her way back to Carl. Then she spotted Jason's father.

She was careful not to look too hard and was infinitely grateful that his son wasn't there.

Carl draped an arm over her shoulders again,

"You look beautiful." He said, and she smiled sweetly at him, "What? Doesn't a woman like to be told?"

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now