Wedding day

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Henry walked into her dressing room and shut the door and immediately Ophelia hugged him tightly, he hugged her back,

"It's all going to be okay, Little Lia. After this it's over." He said before letting her go and walking in, "Who ate all the cookies?"

"Do you really need to ask?"

"You're shitting me. He was here?" Asked Henry, pacing the room before properly looking at his sister, "You look like a real bride."

"I know, Rosie said I should have a tiara instead of a veil." Said Ophelia,

"You saw her?" He asked,

"Well you are only dispensed for special occasions, me? I have a little more of an involved role." Said Ophelia sadly, "I get less freedom and more freedom all at the same time."

"How was she?" He asked,

"Asked after you." Said Ophelia, "Said that she misses us both but me more."

"You two were practically joined at the hip." Said Henry, "Don't fuck this up, okay?"

"I won't." Said Ophelia, "You can count on Poppy. For fucks sake the only appropriate reason to give something the name Poppy is if you are naming a toaster."

Henry laughed and looked at his baby sister all grown up and getting married. But it wasn't a happy day as it should have been.

"I agree, now, take my arm because you are about to get married," said Henry,

Ophelia took his arm adjusted her grip on her bouquet and prepared herself for the most excruciating ordeal of her life.

She took Henry's arm and nodded as he opened the door and lead her to the chapel of the small castle.

The music began, and her bridesmaids all made their way down the aisle and then finally it was her turn. She stepped out and everyone stood,

She smiled, and even managed a tear as she walked down the aisle. She watched Carl's breath catch in his throat, and his mother even began to cry.

The guilt was numbingly painful,

"She's a Princess," called a girl from one of the pews, and Ophelia made a point of smiling at her and mouthing Thank you, before finishing her trip to the altar,

"Your Highness." Said Henry, causing the wedding party to chuckle as he took his seat in the front row,

Ophelia handed her bouquet to Lolita and turned back to Carl, mouthing I love you,

"Dearly beloved, We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If anyone objects to this union speak now or forever hold your peace," began the officiant, and Ophelia held her breath, "I understand the couple has written vows, Poppy Amara would you like to go first,"

She nodded,

"English," she began, "I never thought I'd be lucky enough to end up getting in a place like this with the man of my dreams. All my life no one really noticed me. But you, you saw me. This passionate, talented, handsome man noticed me. You make me feel special and not a day goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am that I'm with you. You are a good man, with a good heart. And I know you will make a terrific husband. You are the most brilliant man I have ever met, don't blush, English, I'm just being honest," the chapel laughed, "I cannot believe how much I love you. From the first moment I saw you at that diner I knew you were someone special, but I didn't know just how special you'd become to me.
    Also in case you didn't know he's getting a movie made, he told me to mention it as many times as possible." The chapel laughed again, "But you didn't need to ask, I'm almost as proud of you as I am to be your bride. I love you, Carl Spencer-Moon."

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