13 / Meal

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The meat was tasty, it looked like a deer and they dont even know that, only knowing its a meat and that its their first meal after months of living with fruits.

"I wish we some salt", Hyejoo bite the meat and crave for some seasoning but it still is the best comparing with fruits.

"We're gonna have to deal with it", Wooyoung utter and take a big bite as well. It was blunt but they both cant help to crave for more.

"What do you suggest we do tomorrow?", Wooyoung ask after they finish with their dinner. His questions suggest more of exploring, he wasnt done with the meat.

"No Wooyoung, we have to keep cautious. We dont know what is out there", Hyejoo sigh and walk towards Wooyoung. Their uncomfortable moments long gone now. She touch the scratch on his arms and see that it was a dry blood, probably the animal's or his.

"Oh! I scratched it on the tree branch while trying to take the meat"

Hyejoo brought the water and clean it for him. After washing of the dry blood, she was met with a big scratch that made her face sour.

"Doesnt it hurt? Why didnt you tell me when you first arrived?"

During their stay, they've come to realized medicinal herbs that prevents them from getting infected so Hyejoo put the self made medicine on his arms, applying it lightly. Wooyoung look at her face the whole time and admire her facial features. Even without makeup, she was gorgeous and he was afraid he will fall for her because she was already engaged.

"I didnt even realized I was hurt. I was just happy with the fact that we have meat and fire"

Hyejoo laugh and push him aside. They are so alike that it surprises them sometimes but they didnt want to admit to the others.

They are both spoilt, childish, self-centred and full of themselves. But slowly, things started to change. They started caring for the others because they have no one else. They started to put the others before them without them realizing.

"Why would you even risk your life to get us the meat? What if there wasnt a fire, you expect us to eat it raw or what?"

Even when they dont know what to talk about, they always think of a way to talk to each other because without the others company, time seems to not work and the day became forever and the night, infinite.

"I absolutely have no idea. Just wanting to bring home the meat is all I have in my head", Wooyoung laugh dryly and sigh.

He just wanted to bring home the meat and impress the girl. She has been wanting to have anything that is not a fruit for so long that there was nothing on his mind other than to make the girl happy.

"You're such an idiot. But thanks to you I finally felt like I lived again"

It was the reaction he hoped to get. She was happy and it made his stomach did a flip. It may be because he hasnt come in contact with any girl emotionally after the first girl he ever got closed to. He dont understand his feelings whether he was attracted to her in a loving way or the friends way.

"Are you sure you dont want to go hunting tomorrow?", Wooyoung sigh and put his arms under his head and watch the girl.

She give a huge sigh as well and think about it. She wanted to, but she is afraid of their predator as well. Even if it could kill an animals that run faster than them, there was no doubt they wouldnt outrun the beast. Hyejoo didnt want to tell him everything but at night when she couldnt sleep, she used to hear the noises of wild animals running past through their house.

The sounds were hovering the mountains and fear crept up her mind whenever she think about it. They are not safe in the island anymore.

"Fine, but lets make a tool first. Incase we ran into some wild animals, we need to protect ourself"

They finally slept in piece. The taste of the beautiful meat still lingering in their mouth as they dream of home.

Breaking News

Aurora Flight 1117 which dissapear on April 27 under investigation.

It has been noticed that the blueprint between the flight before and after boarding is different. The last record the flight was leaving the airport and the last call from the pilot is misleading and the special unit is undergoing an investigation.

Until then, Aurora Flight 1117 last remaining pieces and the body of the passengers will be search till it reached day 100. The searching team will officialy close the case after that.


Dani22 : I knew it there was something wrong. Why would a regular servicing plane suddenly went out of control?

Cherryp_ie : The government need to dig this from the root. Someone is definitely playing dirty.

Tony_bbu : My fiancé deserve a justice. I miss her so much

  →Hani_bbu : Poor Tony, stay strong
     →Tony_bbu : Thank you ;)

Goodbye_Woo : You are loved, Jung Wooyoung

Popppy99 : Wooyoung was such a blessing to my eyes. I still cant believe he is gone. Now I have to look for a new favorite.

   →Wooyoung4ever : Fake fan

       →Thankyou_Woo : Its no point
            defending him now. We have to
            learn to let him go.

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