27 / Way

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"That fucking retard! I'm gonna kill him once I get back!", Wooyoung held her as Hyejoo continue cursing and punching the air.

"I'll make sure I never forget his licence name plate. Watch me make him suffer when we get home!", she started kicking and breath out angrily.

The car that stopped belong to a boy probably around their age and had a cut on his eyebrows who raised them when they asked for a lift. He rolled up the window's glass back as he left them mouth wide on the road side after rejecting their plea.

He look indeed like a spoiled kid who took a run in the outskirt of the town and maybe do drugs so Hyejoo didnt forget to look at the name plate before he could dissapear in the distance.

"E3 S-8123! E3 S-8123! E3 S-8123!"

"Wait!", Wooyoung shout making them flinch and told Hyejoo to repeat the nameplate again.

"E3 S-8123?"

"S...its from Seoul. The car is from Seoul!"

They once again feel the happiness rush through their body.

"But we dont know whether its heading towards Seoul or coming from Seoul", Hyejoo sulk and blow her cheeks.

They continue walking but as time goes on, it became hard for them. They havent had their lunch yet and their previous breakfast wasnt even enough to give them stamina.

"We should rest", Wooyoung finally said and sit on the road side.

Hyejoo shook her head and suggest to continue walking as the sun almost set. It was already noon.

"We have to keep going we dont know what is there in the dark"

"Exactly, even if we continue walking, the sun will set on us anyways and we wont have any energy to fight back whatever is on our way. Besides look at Yechan, he's torn out"

Hyejoo sigh and look at the said little boy who was panting out of breath and sitting on the road side as well. She dropped her self made bagpack and take a seat as well.

The road was very quiet and not even a soul could be heard.

They were famish and tired. There was nothing they could do at the moment other than to pray and hope for a passerby.

So they fall sleep without a worry because it was better for them to sleep in the daylight than at night where they cannot do anything.

A big and noisy horn woke them up and they stare at the big truck that was a few steps away from them. From the look of it, the driver that step out look relief when the people on the road side, sleeping as if they were dead were sitting up showing they were only asleep.

"Are you guys okay?", he ask in the accent they were longing for a long time and break into a wide grin.

"Yechan get up!", Hyejoo slap the sleeping kid's butt making him jolt awake as well and went towards the old man.

"Hello sir! Can you give us a lift?", was the first thing Wooyoung asked before even answering his question.

"Ahhh...where are you guys going?", the old man answer and rub his neck. What could go wrong by giving a lift to three dirty youngsters who seems like they've been starving for ages.

"Seoul! Or maybe the nearest station to Seoul!", Hyejoo quickly reply and seeing that the old man was hesitating she quickly added.

"We'll pay you as much as you want if you brought us with you!"

"The money is not the problem...I...okay hop on. I'm on my way to Seoul but I dont know if I can bring you to the place you'd wanted since I cannot let my boss know I pick up some lost teens on the way"

They smile brightly and ran to the truck. It was carrying woods on the back and a few seat empty next to him. They squish in themselves, a smile never leaving their faces.

Mr.Shin pace back and forth with the grumpiest face ever.

"This is all your fault!", he raise a voice to his wife who look at him in shock.

"My fault? It was not my idea for her to be married off!"

They stood far away from each other and stare down at the ground.

They knew blaming each other wont bring their daughter back but they just needed to let it out on someone which they dont have anyone else other than themselves.

"We shouldnt have let her on that plane", he broke down and sat on the ground, punching his chest and cry.

"She is the only thing we have and needed, my poor daughter. Where could you be?"

They cried together not even having the energy to stop one another because they were both hurt.

"Mr.Shin! Mrs.Shin! Why are you both so down?", a young man enter the house and stare pitily at the two adult who were breaking down on the floor.

"We may have a lead on where the plane is located exactly!", he continue making Mr.Shin look up from the ground and took the paper that was on the man's hand.

"Hakati Forest? Isnt that the lost village with monsters guarding each borders?"

"I'm afraid it is Mr.Shin"

"Thank you for finding where they are Tony"

Stranded - Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now