21 / Fighter

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It was the little boy that kept an eye on Wooyoung for how long Hyejoo didnt remember.

And to see that he spoke the same language shook her more. She shove Wooyoung away and pace towards him.

"You have a Seoul dialect! Who are you and why do you run away when I saw you?", she kneeled down in front of him because he was a bit short.

"My...", he look around in alarm and Hyejoo quickly caught on and pull him, hiding him along the blankets they provided.

Their door was knocked and Wooyoung went to open them. A middle aged woman appear and bow to them.

They didnt understand what she was saying but by her gesture, they could tell she was searching for her son that was in their hut.

Hyejoo gulp her saliva and send a telepathy through her mind, asking Wooyoung to act along and pretend he didnt see anyone.

Thankfully Wooyoung keep on shaking his head and the woman left after getting a negative response.

"You can come out now", Hyejoo talk in a hush voice and the little boy sneak his head out. He was very cute with his chubby cheeks and Hyejoo really want to pinch him there.

"Is she gone?", he motion to Wooyoung who nod his head and the little boy sigh.

"So?", Hyejoo fold her arms and told him to continue whatever he was going to say.

"I...my name is Yechan. I used to live with my father in Seoul until he died and my mother dragged me back here", he was nervously playing with his finger and Hyejoo cooed on the inside at his cuteness.

"They told us there is no way out of the Island", Wooyoung says not believing him but the fact that he have Seoul dialect was already a proof.

"Thats the thing. The Islander are under-developed and they still live a savage life. They chose to ignore and cancel everything the modern world offered. Hence why they are living like this"

It all make sense to Hyejoo now. The way they didnt even bother to learn the modern language and stick to their ancestor's. It all came together that these people were stupid and a fool.

"We really need to get out of here", Hyejoo spoke and made an eye contact with Wooyoung.

"But how?", Wooyoung still had a lot of doubt in his mind. If the people are savages, once they found out they tried to escape, wouldnt they kill them mercilessly? It was bothering him.

"I know a way", the little boy named Yechan spoke up again and glance towards Wooyoung.

Hyejoo already knew she wasnt going to like the idea but if it was the only way, she would accept it.

"The chief and his family are the only ones who knews the entry of the Island which is also the way out. You have to seduce his daughter and let her show you the way out"


It has been exactly 10 days on the new Island and Hyejoo had to use all of her patience to ignore the flirtatious act between Wooyoung and the Chief's daughter.

The Chief was very pleased upon seeing his daughter's happiness and Hyejoo could feel those red flags again. But she knew she have to trust him.

That night Wooyoung came home with a gloomy face and Hyejoo stiffened by his coldness.

"The Chief wants me to live with them"

It was like the sky came down on them and Hyejoo had to contain all of her feelings inside.

"He wants me to marry his daughter", he continued again but a light bulb hit Hyejoo.

She walk up to Wooyoung and give him a ressuring smile.

"If they wanted you to get married, then you have halfway already succeeded in you mission. Listen Wooyoung, the moment we took a step on that Island, we are already a fighter and we wont stop until we get home. So sharpen your weapons and try to get the information out of her before they could marry you off"

Her hope is his hope. He cup her face and lean in, giving her a light kiss and connect their forehead.

"I dont want to hurt you"

They both knew what he means. Eventhough they never talked about their feelings for each other, it was clear to them both that there was something going on so she smiled.

"Bold of you to assume I would be hurt"

He laugh out loud. Even at a serious time, she have the gut to joke around. However they started to grow worried again and intertwine their fingers.

"I'll help you pack", she announced.

They slept on the same bed for what seems like the last time before they could finally had their freedom and it was nice and comfortable. They just didnt know when would they experienced it again so they took their time.

A little almost into the noon that they finally departed. They didnt shed a tears instead had that fighter look on their face as they signalled each other for the last time.

We will go home no matter what

Stranded - Jung WooyoungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang