Chapter 4

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As they started walking toward the table, Nick surprisingly pulled out the chair for her.

So now all of sudden he wanted to act like a gentleman in front of her parents, Julie thought to herself. He pushed his chair closer to hers as they all sat down.

He had quite an act tonight, I mean what did she expect they both had to act like they were in love due to the fact that her parents had that idea glued in their heads.

Fortunately for her, she would just play along for a couple of hours and then leave. Her parents would be satisfied and not visit for another year and by that time they'd already be divorced.

It worked out perfectly.

"So what have you both been up to?" her mother asked, like the nosy person she was. Her mother Alina, always tried to spark something between her and Nick.

But to her dismay, the conversation always took a turn to Nicks's business. It never lasted more than a few minutes about there love life.

But something told that her mother was going to be persistent this time, but just like all the other times, she brushed it off.

Besides, it was one dinner.

"Oh you know, we've been busy" Juliet replied hoping to shut off the conversation about them there.

"And Your business I assume is going well Nicholas," Her father Leroy asked,

"It's been good, sales have been increasing at 4x the rate since last year" Nicholas answered with a chuckle

Leroy smiled satisfied with his answer and turned back to his plate of food.

"Now that summers coming along we should all take a trip to Europe they have beautiful scenery and-" Her mother began but was cut off as Juliet set her fork down.

"That won't be necessary both Nicholas and I are tremendously busy and it's too much of a hassle to take a break right now" Juliet stated as she looked her mother in the eyes

"Well alright it was just a suggestion" her mother mumbled to which Juliet rolled her eyes too.

She would seem innocent now but her mother had all kinds of tricks up her sleeve. If she wasn't there to shut them off they'd surely be in Spain doing some kind of fun activities

But that was just another way of forcing her and Nick together.

"Everything tastes amazing sweetie" Her father commented taking another bite of his salad.

She smiled in return and Nicholas agreed.

Her mother had surprisingly stayed quite after her remark and she couldn't help but feel somewhat bad about it. She had shut off her mother's ideas and in some parallel universe, it could've been innocent.

"I'll go grab some napkins," Juliet said as she dismissed herself

"Let me help," Nicholas said as he followed behind her,

What the hell was he doing? He was supposed to be keeping her parent's company. Only God knows what's going through there heads right now.

As they walked into the kitchen she stood on the other side of the island opening cabinets to find presentable napkins.

"Nicholas there was no reason for you to come and help-" Just as she was about to finish her sentence Nicholas had stepped closer trapping her.

She looked away from his gaze,

"They're waiting on us" She whispered referring to her parents but Nick didn't budge.

"They're waiting on me Juliet" He corrected her as she slipped the napkins and stood straight up as he backed away.

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