Chapter 12

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"He's been in a car accident, it happened yesterday. They transferred him into San Fransisco hospital,. he's unconscious but they've informed us that he'll be fine when he wakes up" Nicholas explained as we sat on his private jet.

"How's your mother doing," I asked as I put on my seatbelt, Nicholas sat next to me as he did the same.

"She misses you." He replied. My heart ached for her. She was oblivious to what Nicholas and I were.

I wouldn't ruin that for her, I couldn't let her fragile heart be broken again.

"I'm really sorry Nicholas. About your father" I said as I looked down at my lap.

"It's alright. It isn't your fault, nor mine. It's unnecessary to apologize for this" Nicholas replied bluntly.

I looked away from my lap to the airplane window and rested my head against my seat. I was scared for Eleanor, Nicholas's mother. She had already been through so much.

As for Calvin, Nick's father, he was a fighter. I knew he'd be okay.

Closing my eyes I let myself sleep. I had already called Cassie and had her cover for my meeting and take care of the shop while I was gone.

I wasn't sure how long I'd be gone, maybe until Calvin recovered or till he woke up. Either way, both would take more than 2 days. Which meant a lot of my plans would have to be pushed back.

I was okay with that, if it meant Eleanor and Calvin would be okay, I would do it. Despite Nick and I's feud and disagreement I could see he was trying, I didn't know for what exactly but he was trying to be a better person.

We weren't on- we still aren't on good terms but in times like these a lot of this doesn't necessarily matter. Nicks's parents where much different then he was.

No matter how much he did to me, I grew to care about him. Maybe it was his parents who showed me so much, love. But I cared.

The night I had left, I had never stopped thinking about him. I picked up the phone to call at least a thousand times. But I was still angry.


Maybe I was glad he was here, maybe I was glad he was trying again. But I'm not the same person I was 2 months ago.

Somethings change. Some people change. And sometimes, they stay the same. For the better or the worse.

It was all just fate, and the world playing its games.


"Ms. King? We've arrived" I was shaken gently as I opened my eyes to see one of the flight attendants leaned down to get my attention.

I smiled sitting up, I noticed Nick was gone. Had he left without me? Should I have expected this?

"If you're done daydreaming we're getting late" I was brought out my thoughts by Nicholas's voice. So he didn't leave.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled as I got up and followed Nick out the private jet. We walked down the steps.

"We're we going first?" I asked Nick who stood next to me. As other men approached to handle out bags Nick slipped his hand on the small of my back.

It was no big deal, he use to do this when we were in public.

"To my condo, we'll head to the hospital from there" He replied as we sat in the all-black SUV.

We sat in silence as the car began to move. We had nothing to talk about, at least I think we don't.

"How's your father doing? Has he woken up yet?" I asked breaking the silence.

"No. From what I know" He informed, I nodded as we went back to silence. I noticed Nicholas's eyes when I talked to him.

No matter how much he would try to hide it. He was sad, worried, and scared. He was feeling emotions, a kind of feeling he wasn't use too, of course, it was normal for him to feel like he couldn't control this part of him.

We arrived at Nick's condo shortly after as we exited the car and entered the building. It was grand and luxurious. Just how Nick liked it.

I set my handbag down on a coffee table nearby and looked at Nick who motioned me to look around. I had never been to San Fransisco. Although I had been to plenty of Nick's condos before.

On our honeymoon we had stayed in Hawaii, then went to Singapore and from there we traveled around Europe. In each state, we had visited he had his own condo. He found it pointless and a waste of money to pay for a hotel.

However, he thought of everything as if everyone had a million dollars in their bank. I guess he was always one-sided.

I looked around and admired the interior, and just as I suspected it was all dark colors, if it wasn't black it was a color very close to it.

The kitchen especially, it was beautiful, Nick and I shared one a few interests. Dark colors being one of them.

I had always taken a special liking to darker shades

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I had always taken a special liking to darker shades. It looked more modern, Whilst I also didn't mind vintage looking things.

But I needed to focus on the reason we were here.

Then I was reminded of the important fact I had almost left out.

"I don't have my clothes, I didn't bring any I didn't have time," I told nick who looked down at me. I wasn't that short. But next to him, I'd be called short.

"Jason will take you out tomorrow, we'll be staying a week. Clear your schedule" Nicholas informed as he walked off somewhere.

A week? My entire schedule would be ruined. I had only told Cassie I'd be gone for a couple of days. I wasn't paying her to do my entire job for a week.

I'd definitely pay her more. But I was doing this for his parents, they deserved my full attention. I had brought my laptop so I guess I could do a little work from here.

I sighed as I slumped down on the chair next to me. Boy, it was comfy. I had a long day ahead of me. 

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