Chapter 29

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I don't know why I seemed to be stuck in a reality that seemed to fall out on multiple occasions, it just never made any sense.

As much as I hated the irony of it all, I was just like Vivian. She ran away when things got difficult and I ran away when I could no longer take it.

The only difference was that Nicholas wasn't in love with me. I doubt we'll find that feeling for each other.

Our lives were supposed to be simple, when we got married we'd move on with our lives, we'd act as if we weren't bound by a ring.

And we'd act for 6 months. Until we could finally take that ring off.

The simplicity of it all was what gave me hope that maybe this would work, my parents would get the business ordeal and I'd be able to finally be good enough for them.

However, life never liked simplicity. Of course not mine,

In a matter of 5 months, my world was changed.

However, in 1 month I'd be able to go back to the life I had waiting for me 5 months ago. The one where I didn't have to worry about a crazy ex.

One where I could build a life for myself, where I could sit in the sun and eat a cheeseburger because I didn't have a status or life I needed to get back to.

Fighting with Nicholas wasn't new to me, but it hurt knowing that no matter what we did life was going to make us find a way back to each other anyways

He hated me, 

I couldn't stand him.

"It'll be just tonight, I have dinner with my mom and I can't cancel on her now," I said holding the phone close to my ear,

"Yeah, sure I'll be there," Charles said as the phone call ended

I grabbed my purse and my phone as Nicholas walked back into the living room as he raised an eyebrow.

"I have dinner with my mom" I answered his question from his gestures.

He squinted his eyes as if he didn't believe what I was saying.

"I called her, as you suggested," I said not wanting to start another fight.

"So she listens," he remarked which I rolled my eyes too as I faced away from him I didn't wanna do this with him right now,

one more month. 

Just as I grabbed my keys Charles walked in as he passed me a small smile and looked at Nicholas who was confused.

"Have fun" I smiled as I walked out.

Getting in my car, I looked into my reflection in my rearview mirror. I missed my mom, despite the hurt and pain she caused me I always had hope, it was something I would never lose.


I waited and waited. She never showed, and it hurt like hell. It wasn't even the fact that she didn't show up, but it was the fact that I believed she'd show.

It was the hope that maybe she'd understand, she hadn't answered any of my calls and on top of that, I had to go home to someone who was in a mess of their own.

Sighing I got up, betrayed, and hurt grabbing my things and left.

I could feel the tears swell up, it wasn't supposed to hurt this much, I just wasn't prepared for it. And it sucked because I wasn't ready for any of what I was getting.

Getting into my car I balled my eyes out. Maybe she had a good reason, maybe something happened 

I would never know.

Because at that moment, it took every ounce of me to start driving back home as I wiped my tears away.

I didn't wanna go home, not to the Nicholas who didn't like me at the moment I needed the Nicholas that was there for me when I needed it.

However, it was a fantasy, picking, and choosing which Nicholas best fit me.

As I pulled up I saw another car parked, an extra one I didn't recognize. Who was over? 

Grabbing my keys I opened the door setting my things down as I looked up as my eyes widened. There stood Nicholas, Charles, and a woman whom I didn't recognize.

Was she Vivian? 

No, it couldn't be? Charles wouldn't let it.

Everyone froze as Nicholas' eyes widened, Charles spun around to me and the woman smirked.

"What... is going on" I was stunned for a moment trying to make out the situation, Nicholas walked over as I flinched away from his touch.

"What the hell is going on" I repeated already frustrated.

Charles sighed as he looked at me.

"Meet Vivian," Charles said as the woman who was currently standing next to Charles made herself evident.

"Great" I whispered as I looked at Nicholas whose expression I couldn't read.

"So who's it going to be Nicholas? Me or Juliet? We both know who you love" My head snapped to Vivian who crossed her arms.

Was she really doing this right now? Making him choose? Little did she know I had already made that choice for him.

"Nicholas don't" Charles warned

Nicholas was silent for a moment as he stared at me for a moment than at Vivian.

"you do what makes you happy Nicholas" I whispered only for him to hear, I was tired. I was relentlessly in a game between Nicholas and his messed up life.

I was exhausted from everything I didn't care anymore. I didn't even want to be apart of this anymore,

all I wanted to do was run into my mother's arms and ask her what to do. However I'd lost her too,

Opening the door I walked out. As much as I wanted to be there for Nicholas I didn't have the energy too.

Not after tonight.

I began walking, in the cold dark night. The most peaceful time of the day- where some cried themselves to sleep and others slept peacefully.

And some went to sleep forever.

it began pouring as I cried with the rain. Truthfully, I wanted Nicholas to come back to me, to choose me over Vivian. 

Even though it would be harder this way. I just for once wanted to be someone's first, someone's priority I just wanted to matter for once.

I wanted to be wanted.

But that was another fantasy.

The rain poured heavily as I walked drenched in water, I was in the darkest place I'd ever been in. It was like I was willing to give up.

"Juliet?" I turned around to find Lukas standing there with an umbrella.

"Lukas?" My voice cracked as we stood 10 feet apart, 

"What- what are you doing here?" I managed to say, 

"Annette told me you had been missing a lot of days at work and disappearing and asked if I'd go see if anything happened," Lukas said.

I smiled sadly at him, he wouldn't be able to tell in the dark anyway.

"What are you doing in the rain? out this late?" He asked as he walked closer.

"Thinking?" I chuckled unable to believe myself.

He put the umbrella over me finally making out his face, he had grown out his hair and facial hair.

"All alone?" He asked chuckled to himself.

"All alone" I agreed he smiled as I returned the smile as we stood there for a moment watching the rain pour.

"Let's get you home" Lukas whispered as they walked home together on a dark rainy night, it was ironic how Lukas had run into me at my darkest times.

Maybe I was wanted.

Just maybe.

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