Chapter 17

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The door opened as Nicholas held two bags of white foam takeout boxes, she couldn't make out what was inside or where it was from.

"Chinese" He stated almost reading her mind. She sat down at the dinner table as he set the food down and went to get two glasses of wine.

She unraveled the bags and took out the foam boxes opening them to find delicious-looking food in the small compartments.

Her mouth watered as she grabbed two plates from the cupboard and two sets of cutlery as she sat back down at the table.

She wanted to ask Nicholas about that night where he admitted everything but she knew it was better to just keep it inside.

As they both sat down and began eating she could feel the tension die down, this didn't feel weird but it should. 

They were husband and wife but it felt like they were just long lost friends who couldn't stand each other.

She ate her food silently with not much to talk about.

"Move in until you get an apartment," Nicholas said breaking the silence. She looked up from her plate and made eye contact.

He was being sincere.

"Nicholas I can't you know I can't-"

"You can. You will Juliet" Nicholas said as his eyes darkened, he wasn't up for discussion and she knew he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I've buried my deepest darkest memories of this place living here is like reliving everything" Juliet whispered hoping to convince him. 

 "But you need this. I'm responsible for you, and I threw away that responsibility when I let you go. I'm taking it back" Nicholas said as he looked up to her.

"You're not responsible for me Nicholas I'm responsible for me just me-"

"It doesn't matter that we're not true or that you can't stand me. But I owe it to you, I owe every ounce of pain I've caused so please, just take the offer" Nicholas said his voice had now become vulnerable. 

Like he was really putting himself in a position where she could break him. He was allowing himself to be vulnerable and that proved that he only had good intentions.

She needed it, that wasn't wrong. But how could she take this offer they had only made up a few nights ago and it wasn't even that clear.

"Can I think about it" She whispered as Nicholas slightly nodded his head as he continued eating. 

He was finally feeling guilty.

She took a sip of her wine as she stared at Nicholas who seemed to be focused on finishing the garlic shrimp on his plate.

He looked so calm when he was relaxed. 

Finishing her glass of wine she noticed Nick's glass was also finished.

She picked up Nicks glass as well just as she stood up Nicholas had stood up at the same time as they stood inches apart. 

He stared at her as she had gotten lost in his eyes. 

He slowly took the wine glasses out of her hand and placed them back on the table not losing eye contact with her.

It was clear what was going to happen.

Just as she was about to look away her Nicholas cupped her face and captured her lips. She was stunned for a moment.

The problem was that she couldn't let go, she was so attached it had felt so good.

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