Chapter 25

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"We don't work Nicholas. We never have, I have a life and I can't just pretend that I don't have a million problems to attend too" Juliet said as she sat in front of Nicholas.

Nicholas couldn't argue with that, she did have a life. They didn't work but he wanted them too so badly. 

"You haven't even tried," Nicholas said with a stern look.

"I did try Nicholas. I tried to find any good reason to stay 2 months ago. I can't just come and go as you please, and we both know in a month we'll both be divorced and it'll all be just one memory" Juliet said as she watched his eyes darken.

"Juliet you can't give up" Nicholas pleaded.

"What am I giving up on? All we have done is fight and argue we can't even get along"

"I know."


Nicholas gripped Juliet's face as he pressed a lingering kiss on her plump lips as she melted into him. It was almost as if that was what she needed.

Reassurance, comfort, love.

And again. She repeated history.


Slipping on her jeans and crewneck she felt as if she has just thrown away her morals, her temptations.

What was she even doing here with him? She made love with the man who thought nothing of her, she continued falling for his traps his tricks.

She hated this. She hated how she reacted to his touch, she'd fall into his arms if he asked and that's why she had to leave. 

She had to stay as far away from Nicholas as she could. She couldn't do this again,

"Leaving so soon" His raspy voice was the most amazing voice she'd hear. Too bad she wasn't here to stay.

She froze in her spot as she turned around with her shirt halfway on she scratched her head nervously. She had to think of something an excuse.

"Cassie needs me- work you know," Juliet said as she pulled down her crew-neck over her stomach and pulled up her jeans a little more.

Nicholas raised an eyebrow as he watched her.

"Cassie's out of town with Leonardo, I must've forgotten to tell you," Nicholas said as Juliet's eyes widen.

Caught red-handed.

"Did I say, Cassie? I meant Annette silly me" She quickly covered up as she chuckled nervously and rushed out the room yelling a loud bye.

Nicholas groaned as he stuffed his head in a pillow, another game of chasing the girl.


Pushing open the doors of his house she ran into Daniels's chest. She looked up at Daniel who she had been introduced to a while back.

"Going somewhere?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm" She mumbled with half-eaten toast in her mouth.

"I'm afraid I've been ordered to keep you here," Daniel said as he stood in front of Juliet. Groaning Juliet swallowed her toast and looked at Daniel with her toughest glare.

"Are you sure you really want to do this big man" Juliet challenged but it came out more of a childish tone? 

Daniel looked up from Juliet to make eye contact with Nicholas who was smirking and leaned against the counter indicating him to be quiet, he didn't want his presence known to Juliet.

"I'm just doing my job," Daniel said as he looked down at Juliet.

"You know that Nicholas- he's so demanding and possessive I just want to shove a stick up his ass so he has an excuse to be acting like it-"

"You want to shove a what up my ass" 

Juliet froze as her eyes widened

Slapping a hand on Daniel's shoulder she brought him to her level as she whispered her best bribe to him.

"I'll pay you 20$ and all you have to do is move. if you ask me it's a win-win" She said to Daniel who stood up patting down his suit.

"Unfortunately Ms. King bribing doesn't work on me," Daniel said as Juliet cursed under her breath and turned around to face Nicholas who was shirtless and in sweats sipping on a glass of water.

That chiseled built chest was never going to do her any good.

"Nicholas..." His name rolled off her tongue as she nervously smiled. Nicholas raised an eyebrow as he poured himself a glass of water.

"Please elaborate, a stick up my ass? really" he chuckled as he brought the glass up to his lips.

"I was merely joking," Juliet said as she waved her hand dismissively.

"Mmm... I have a hard time believing that" He said as he set his glass of water down and walked closer to Juliet.

"As much as I'd love to sit here and have a conversation to get back too, I'm late for work," Juliet said as she backed away.

"You're late to open a shop that you own? It's 9:04. You open at 10" Nicholas said raising an eyebrow as he stepped closer.

"You sure do, do your research" Juliet mumbled.

Nicholas toward over her as he looked down at her bringing her face up as he planted a kiss, a warm one.

Juliet pulled back after a second.

"We can't-" Juliet said as she stepped away.

"I know..." Nicholas mumbled as he turned around and sighed.

"We're married, Juliet. What the hell is stopping us," Nicholas said turning back around in a moment of weakness.

"Because you're in love with another woman. Because every time we kiss. Every time we sleep together you picture her. I can't live like that Nicholas" Juliet said. Her eyes had become more saddened.

The truth hurt, but it was better than stringing on a lie.

He went silent, as much as he hated it. It was true, everything she said was the truth. 

"I have to go, please don't show up at the shop. I'll come back myself" Juliet said as Daniel stepped away for her to leave.

Why did she feel so broken, it wasn't like she was in love with him but it hurt so bad. That there wasn't even a chance that they would possibly work.

Juliet got into her car as she stayed in the seat for a while, a long while. She hated that Nicholas never found his closure, that he had to deal with his past every second he experienced something good.

She hated that even though Nicholas and herself shared so many differences that in the end, they'd become strangers.

That none of this would matter. That every fight, every tear she shed over him, every smile, every frown would just become a memory.

It felt like one big lie. That one day, maybe she'd be happy. Maybe she'd have a new life, one where she had the perfect husband maybe even kids a stable job, and wouldn't have to hide herself from the press.

That she'd come home happy, that every tear she shed would be of joy. That every laugh would fill up the room.

The day she'd finally be content.

And with Nicholas, it just seemed too far of a reach.

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