Gold digger (5)

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"Well, for someone who just finished their first month of slaving themselves, you sure are happy," Damien said. Even though his voice was void of any emotion, I knew Damien well enough to read the sarcasm undertone of that sentence. Damien always did have an odd sense of humor. Or rather an odd sense of sarcasm in this case. This trait of his resulted in him not making many friends which meant that I was his closest friend too. Anyways, this odd sarcasm was the only kind of fun Damien ever displayed since that fateful day. For his own sake, I hoped that when he falls in love someday, he would reconnect with that joyful side of his again. Lord knows he deserves only the best that this world has to offer. After all his serious face was starting to make him look much older than he actually is.

Damien was not lying though. I should have been happy. I had just finished a month of slaving myself off successfully. I had actually worked a normal job with normal hours and no special treatment at all. My legs had finally adjusted to the incessant walking. Not to mention that I could finally have a human feed and write to my family! I was limited to a post card but it was better than nothing. But the truth is that I am too conflicted to enjoy this win. Besides, I really needed some guidance with regards to my precious mate.

I know without a doubt that if I tell my mate that I am soon going to become The Vampire King, she would jump at the opportunity of being my mate. I would then be perfect for her. She would have all the power in the world. After all the only reason why people want more money is because it gives them more power. But then again, she wouldn't really love me now, would she? She would love the power I give her. Yet, despite knowing this tormenting truth, I desperately wanted to feel alive again.

I remember the first time that I ever felt alive very clearly. It was when I had fed off from a human for the first time after turning. My dad never allowed me to drink off humans in fear that I would drain them to death. So, I had to learn to control my urges first. After a month of being turned dad finally let me fed on a human. He was there the whole time to make sure I did not kill my prey. Normally you drink the blood until you hear their heart rate drop by 20 beats. Then you have to stop because you could cause the heart to go into an arrythmia or worse stop beating completely and thus kill them. It was close to 11pm in the night when I had my first feed. The O-blood was fresh, warm and just bloody perfect. But not even the feeling of drinking fresh blood could compare to the way I felt when I stood in front of my mate just hours ago- I was finally alive.

"I found my mate and I think she rejected me so... yeah happy me," I responded. I tried to keep my voice neutral so, that I could hide my pain, but it was such a terrible fail. I'm not a sad person normally. Sure, I had grey stormy supposedly sad eyes. But I wasn't a sad person. I had everything in life, that being a happy family, great parents and a loyal best friend. Now just because I didn't get a mate, I somehow felt empty. I felt like all that I had no longer mattered. If I could not get my mate, then I had nothing. After all she was my missing half. The half I never knew I needed until I met her. I just wanted to go home right now. But I was stuck on this stupid journey and had three more months of this hell to endure.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I don't have a mate either brother," Damien responded. Boy, he sure did know how to cheer someone up.

Damien did not get a mate because he was turned vampire. Only original vampires had mates. Only Original Vampires could have children. The turned vampire could not have children with anyone. Be it an original vampire, human or another turned vampire. That was the price they paid for getting a beast. The turned Vampires also died when the person who siphoned them dies. So, if I was to die then Damien would die too. But this didn't mean that Damien could not fall in love. He still had feelings. I would have said heart but ours don't beat.

"Does she not like your form?" he asked nonchalantly after a few moments of silence. I immediately went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. Yes, I definitely looked different. That is a very hard truth. But I did not look that much different. I had black contact lenses put in my eyes to hide my true eye color and I had cut my long wavy hair and dyed it a dirty blonde. I also had drunk a potion to mask my vampire scent so, I smelt human. This was because wolves would be able to sniff me easily which I could not afford to have happen. Did she not like me because I was human? No, that cannot be it. As a vampire she could smell that I was not human. She could not tell that I was a vampire as well, but it was not the whole weak human thing. Besides, she wants to marry a human. I looked at myself again and could not deny that I am basically still myself. She did not like what I looked like. But I know that that was not the reason why she rejected me, if I can call it a rejection. My mate rejected me because I was of low status and income.

Damn it, I was mated to a gold digger.  


QOC: What comes to mind when you think of a gold digger?


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