Grief (41)

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AN: Please for this chapter


"Hey brother, are you ready?" Ellie asked me from outside my bedroom door.

It had been a full week since the encounter with Seneca and well, my father's death. My dad and I had not really been the affectionate kind. Whereas my dad would hug Ellie and shower her with kiss, he and I would usually only nod or better yet stare at each other. We hardly ever used words or hugs. The last time I can ever recall being hugged by my dad was when I had just turned 10 years old. After that dad started training me and that meant he was only ever serious with me. But I knew he loved me. I just hope that he knew I loved him too.

I was left conflicted on so many things. My father had passed which meant I was now the Vampire king. But I don't know if I want the title anymore. I also wasn't sure how I felt about my father anymore. There was no doubt that he raised me well. As a child I always looked up to him and wanted to be him. I mean he even taught me how to be a great king. I would have never thought that my father was even capable of doing such a thing to Seneca. I so desperately wanted to hate Seneca and blame her for all of this but I just couldn't. The fact remains that my dad brought this on himself. Yet this fact didn't make me feel any better about what happened.

"Yes, I will be out in a bit," I responded. I knew that this wasn't enough to convince Ellie but I wasn't in the mood to put up a show. Luckily she left me without any further questioning. I could not handle Ellie's interrogations right now.

Ever since that day, I had blocked everyone out. I was mourning in my own way and they needed to let me be. This time not even Ellie's persuasiveness could make me talk to her.

My mother was crying whenever I did accidently stumbling into her. She and Ellie had returned as soon as mom felt dad die. The blood bond they had dissolved when he died so she felt him go. Luckily that gave Damien and I enough time to get our emotions in check before they arrived.

Ever since that day, I spent most of my time in dad's office doing all the work that was necessary. It seemed Seneca had not done anything since she took over so the paperwork had stacked up. I know that working wasn't the best way to mourn, but I needed to keep myself distracted if I wanted to remain sane.

Rebecca was a whole other story. I was now certain that I liked her. I don't know when it happened but it did. I hated to admit it but Damien was spot on right about me again. And as much as I wanted to hate her for killing my father, I simply couldn't. The truth was that I missed her so much that it hurt. I needed her with me right now. I needed to smile and just being in her presence usually got me smiling. I wanted to go find her, but that felt like I was betraying my father. So, I did not. Besides, I also had no clue where to find her.

While Damien and I were resetting the palace in order, I found a note from Rebecca in my dad's office. At the thought of it my hands on their own accord traveled into my pants pocket. After I felt the note my heart calmed down a little. It was all I had left of her. So, I carried it with me everywhere. I then pulled out the letter from my pocket and opened it. Then I read it again for what could only be the millionth time.

Hi James

When you find this, I will be long gone. Please don't go looking for me. Seneca and I will not cause any havoc, I give you my word. I am not sorry about your father. The death I gave him was one of a nobleman. He felt no pain. He died so you could live and if placed in that situation again I would do it again. Besides, I think you will make for a great king. I am sorry that our story had to turn out like this though. Stay safe


Then my bedroom door opened. So, I quickly folded the letter and hid it back in the safety of my pants pocket. My hand however stayed within my pocket feeling the letter over and over again. In a way I guess I was mourning the loss of two people.

I was getting annoyed with how my sister never knocked when she entered my room. I needed my privacy for crying out loud.

"Yeah, I am coming," I said before she even spoke.

It was time for my father's funeral after all. And I couldn't keep everyone waiting.


The hall was packed with people. Most of which I never got to formally meet. All the noblemen and lords from the four villages had come over to pay their respects. The palace was huge enough to be able to house over 120 people besides those of us who already lived here. My mother had a tenancy to host balls and thus we needed to accommodate the people who lived too far to return home the very same night.

Normally my father would be the one to lead the family, but now my entire family was waiting for me to walk in first.

I wasn't ready to take on this role just yet. And I don't think I ever will be. But it seemed life had thought otherwise. So, I walked all the way in front and held out my hand for my mother to take as Ellie and Damien stood side by side behind us.

This was going to be the first time the kingdom met saw me in over ten years. No pressure whatsoever. 



QOC: What are your thoughts on how Rebecca just left Dimitri? What would you do if you were in her shoes?

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