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Being in a werewolf pack had its moments. Most of the times the wolves avoided us like some contagious disease. I still don't understand why though. It's not like I was going to wake up one day and just decide to kill them. Besides, vampires can't feed on werewolves. Their blood is poisonous to us. Again it would render us a slow painful death if we drank it. I of course being an original vampire would be injured severely. Only the alpha's blood could actually kill me.

I am currently wondering in the forest looking for a meal. See, the pack did give us blood from their blood bank, but I wasn't a fan of it. Having fresh blood was always better. I couldn't get fresh human blood since I was too far away from human civilization. So, animal blood would have had to suffice for now. The blood from the blood bank was frozen so, it had to be rewarmed for us to drink. Just like how soggy warmed up food in a microwave tasted so, too did the blood when it was warmed. But at least they had blood for us right? Beggars can't be choosers.

After I fed on a total of seven rabbits, I was finally satisfied. I felt rejuvenated and ready to go visit some witches. So, I headed back to the pack house where I was going to meet Damien. It was time of us to leave for the cemetery. Now I know you thinking but why go to a cemetery at night? Well, I am a vampire and that means I am stronger at night. There problem solved. Besides, the witches always were present at their covens at night. They too, like vampires were creatures of the night.

"You ready to go, Damien said as soon as I reached the clearing. I noticed that there was blood dripping from the side of his mouth. It seemed that he too had gone to get his feed before our trip

Luckily our trip wasn't going to be too long. It seemed even the witches hid away from human civilization. So, they were close to the pack.


We could not walk into the cemetery as we needed to be given entrance, so we stopped at the gates of the cemetery. It is said that if a vampire tries to enter a premises without permission, they could actually die. Well, normally the beast in us will fight us to go back in attempts to save us. This time even I an original vampire would die as well. So, I was not about to be taking my chances.

"Enter," a voice said in my head. I was so surprised that turned to look around me to locate this voice. However, there was no body present. "Did you hear that? Damien asked. This was the first we had spoken since our journey here. I wanted to speak with Damien and clear things up but it felt awkward. Eventually too much silence had surpassed and so, I refrained from speaking. Which was coward of me but oh well. Damien could be tortured a little longer. Who knows how long he and my sister had been creeping around behind my back.

Suddenly, a little child appeared in front of us out of nowhere. Well, I was distracted trying to locate the voice so maybe I am wrong. This child wore a dark red cloak that covered their face. So I wasn't really sure if it even was a child under the cloak. But they were very small. The child then raised their right hand motioning for us to follow them. So we did. I guess we had been given entrance. I was surprised that they didn't ask us any questions before letting us in.

Damien and I followed the child into the cemetery. As soon as we stepped onto the grounds, the child began running away from us. We sped up after the child as we had no idea where else to go. After a few turns which were mostly right, the child suddenly stopped. The child turned around rapidly and somehow the cloak's hoodie flew off. And to my surprise there was no body inside the cloak. This was odd. But then again, I was walking in a cemetery at night.

I then took a peak around me and realized that we were back where we started. The gate to enter the cemetery was right behind us. Of course the witches would play some game with us.

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