Truth (27)

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After calming Ellie down, we walked back to the pack house. We took our time walking back which gave us time to catch up. Ellie caught me up on everything that had happened in my absence and on the attack. The story of Seneca didn't add up and I had questions. But I had also missed hearing my sister's voice so, I let her speak uninterrupted for now. Ellie could drag a story for eons if she wished to do so and she was doing it again right now. Normally, I would get frustrated when she did so, but today I rather enjoyed that fact that she would go off topic so easily. Besides, I really wasn't ready to tell everyone that I had no means to get the crown back.

Just before we got to the pack house Ellie suddenly stopped. I immediately stepped in front of her as I looked around trying to locate the danger when she turned me to face her and spoke up, "Damien has been avoiding me all day. He is your best friend Dimitri and he would do anything for you. That includes avoiding me. His loyalty is what I love most about him. So, please speak with him." She didn't even wait to gauge my response, as she turned and headed straight for the pack house.

When I got close to the pack house, I could hear my mother speaking loudly. She was outside from the sound of it. I thus followed her voice ready to face the music. There was no point in prolonging the inevitable. I would just tell her that we had no allies so far. She would understand.

I finally found her in the gardens which was very usual for her. She tended to all our gardens in the kingdom herself. She refused to let anyone else even touch them. It was a lot of work but I understood why she did. It was her way of calming her beast. We all found things to calm us down. I for one used art as my catharsis.

Damien was in the garden with my mother. As soon as Ellie entered the garden Damien moved away from my mother and went to stand in the far corner. Ellie shook her head and walked ahead to where mother was standing. It seemed as if Damien didn't want to be here anymore. As soon as he made eye contact with me he looked away as if I had medusa's eyes. Looking at him right now I realized that I may have been too hard on him. But before I could even say anything to him, mother spoke up, "It's about time you came back Dimitri. I need to talk to all three of you." She then vanished.

So, we followed suit.

After a while of us following her scent, my mother finally stopped. "This is far enough that we will have privacy," she said. We were in deep in middle of the forest, but it made sense as wolves had such great hearing after all.

"You must understand that your father and I love you very much," mom started. Why did it feel like she was about to break some devastating news upon us?

No one else spoke so, she went on, "We didn't tell you everything because you were still children back then. Your father and I were going to tell you when you grew up, but then it never felt like the right time. I mean now doesn't feel like the right time either. But that's the thing about the truth kids, it always finds a way out." I looked to Ellie and she was pulling and twirling the hair by her right ear continually. This was something she did when she was nervous. Seeing her nervous didn't help me calm down at all. Damien was stoic as always. I still had a long way to go when it came to reading Damien's face. Maybe then I would have known he was in love with my sister all along.

None of us spoke as we waited in trepidation for mother to continue speaking, "You probably already know that your father and I aren't true mates. But what you don't know is that your mother, Selene was the princess. She was to inherit the throne. Her father had been disappointed to have her, a female heir. So, he locked her away in the palace. He kept her a secret from the world. His mate had died during labour so, he couldn't have children anymore. Selene had to inherit the throne. But her father could not have that. So he never allowed her to interact with anyone else, except her nanny. It was rumored that her father abused her as a child... Anyways, one day she stumbled upon a doorway in the palace and ended up finding her father's source of power... Her father had a wizard in his castle called Edward. A young fella around her age. Edward and Selene became quick friends and eventually lovers."

Mother then stopped and glanced at each of us to check if we were still with her. After we all nodded she went on, "On her 90th birthday, Selene fell pregnant. When her father realized that she didn't mate with her true mate but with a whole different species, he tried to kill her. Edward then killed her father instead to save your mother. Selene was too young to become queen then. So, the elders lead the kingdom until she was of age. When Selene turned 100 years old, she was crowned Queen. That is when she met your father, her true mate. She married him and a 3 years later she had you, Dimiti and then Ellie of course. After Ellie turned 10 years old Edward returned."

Mom then paused and took a deep breathe before she went on explaining, "Edward was infuriated. He was in love with Selene, but she chose your father over him. So, he decided that if he couldn't have her then no one else could. He killed your mother. You dad had to take revenge and thus began the Vampire war. We fought against witches though ironically. Anyways, your father had a best friend who was a wizard. He came from Africa somewhere. Thus he had powerful ancient magic. In fact that friend is the reason why we are allies with the Lunar pack. The Lunar pack was at war with witches before too. And this friend of your father came and helped the pack as a favour for your dad. The friend eventually stayed here after that war. So, when the witches became a problem for us, this friend of his heard about it and managed to come and kill Edward. But the friend also died that day. I remember how it broke your father." Mother stopped talking and went to hug Ellie who was now crying. I looked to Damien and finally saw some emotion on his face as he watched Ellie cry. He really did care for her. But he would punish himself and stay away from her to please me. He was being the better man and I was being selfish. I needed to talk with him soon.

After Ellie stopped crying my mother went on speaking, "On Edwards's death bed, he told us that Selene and him had a child. This was the first your father heard of the child. It was a girl and her name was Seneca," mother stopped and looked at us to see our reactions to this news. Ellie of course folled in my mother footsteps and gasped loudly at this fact. Whereas Damien and I were basically emotionless. I had no idea how to react to this news. Seneca was my sister. I wasn't sure whether I liked this or not. I needed to think. But I also could see that mother wasn't done talking so I simply nodded my head for her to continue.

After we all nodded, mom went on, "See, we tell you guys that you can only have children with your true mates but that's not completely true. You can also have children if you mate with any different supernatural being. But the high council of supernatural beings frowns upon such. The children of mixed species were extremely powerful and unstable just like Seneca is. Anyways, after the war ended your father searched all over for this child but she was nowhere to be found. She had been hidden. If the council was to know about her, they'd kill her. I guess what I am trying to say is that Seneca is your older sister. She is half vampire and half witch. And having both parents at the top of the power chain in their respective species, makes her extremely powerful as she currently is right now. My thoughts are that she wants your father dead because she wants the throne. It is hers to inherit after all. But that's just my assumption on the matter.



QOC: And the secrets begin to unravel. Did you pick up from earlier chapters that Seneca was Dimiri's sister? But what are your thoughts on the entire situation now? I mean does Dimitri go on and kill his older sister? 

Let me know of your theories of how you think the book is going to go from here onward.

Oh and you know what I'm going to say so just hit that vote and get it over with

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