In the dark (20)

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AN: Please vote for the chapter


Damien and I did not have much to pack since we were basically camping in the hotel. I had only three sets of clothing with me and toiletries. I did still have some money from my job that I kept for emergencies. We had no idea how long we would be in hiding for. So, after packing my backpack, I cleaned my room. I wasn't messy so cleaning was rather quick. I always despised messes even as a child. I remember my dad telling me that the maids would come make my bed so, I should leave it. But I couldn't. I had to make my own bed every morning. When I left my room, it had to be cleaned. No, I did not have OCD. I just was very adamant about having a clean bedroom, I guess. Once I was out of my room though, I made a mess of everything. I am an artist after all. The world was my canvas.

So, I closed my perfectly clean motel room and stepped outside into the dark night- my personal favourite time of the day. The number of things I could do was countless. But I had only one thing planned to do right now.

I was going to miss Rebecca, but I knew that visiting her right now after the way she stormed off last time, would be plain stupid. Besides, I don't know what to say to her. Ellie wasn't here to guide me anymore. I couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear. I mean sure she was beautiful and sweet and any man would be lucky to have her. But not me. She deserved better. She deserved someone who could give her children and a happy home. She deserved safety and bringing her into my world would only put her in danger.

I also didn't want to drag her into this drama. Especially since she was human. She would literally become a weakness of mine and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything was to happen to her. I knew that I had made the right decision, even if it hurt her. It was safer this way. I only hoped that one day she would understand my decision. I did care about her after all.

I swiftly ventured downtown from the hotel until I reached Aderly Street. There was a night club down this road, making this the perfect place for what I was about to do. I wasn't sure what time it was but I felt alive so it should have been something past midnight now. The moon was on full display giving some light to the few humans still roaming the streets that was now the playground of supernaturals'.

I sat down on the pavement, closed my eyes and just listened. There was a slight breeze but otherwise it was not really cold outside. I could feel the base from the music in the club from where I was sitting. As the cement vibrated to the notes of the base. After some time of listening to the chirping of the birds of the night, I heard the door of the club open with a loud 'Thump' and I swear if felt as if the speakers of the club were now placed right next to my ears. I closed my eyes and focused my thoughts to listen through the annoying noise these intoxicated humans called music.

That was when I heard the footsteps. Whoever it was, was wearing heels from the clicking of her steps. "Oh go screw yourself!" the female shouted. Then I heard the club door close with a loud bang pulling the horrendous music back with it. My eyes were still closed as I listened to the footsteps get closer and closer to me.

It was so easy sometimes.

But then she stopped walking. For a split second, I thought that she had seen me, which was impossible in this darkness. Slowly, I opened my eyes and turned to face this woman and saw that the woman had literally closed her eyes and she was in the process of falling very rapidly. I swiftly moved and caught her before she knocked her head. She would have had a concussion had I not been here. Why were humans so reckless? They were already so fragile.

Her heart was beating steadily, but she was knocked out. She reeked of alcohol which I hated very much. I also knew that the blood would have alcohol in it. Which I did not fancy much. But it was easier this way. Besides its not like I could get drunk on alcohol anyways. I then moved her hair out of the way to reveal her luscious neck. I could literally feel my fangs protrude at the sight of her pulsing carotid. I was hungry after all.

I was not planning on killing the woman, so had as much blood as I could without harming her and then stopped. I continued this process with four other victims such as to leave them each with enough blood to survive. The last human however was surprisingly awake and aware so, I had to compel them to sleep. I do not think it would be fun draining the human while they were awake. I had done it once before and the poor woman kept moaning in pleasure which just irked me. After getting my full feed from four bodies. I carried the four bodies easily to the motel room I had stayed in. They weren't my responsibility, but leaving them out in the streets, knocked out wasn't safe. There was too many dangerous things lurking at night after all.

I laid them all in my bed and took one last look through the room to make sure I had not left anything behind. The room was very neatly cleaned. At least I did not leave much work for the maid the next morning. Well, that is if these girls leave the room without touching much. "Dimitri it's time to go," Damien said from outside my door. Luckily all the girls were practically knocked out, so they didn't budge. I then carried my bag closed the door behind me after leaving the key by the bedside.

"After you brother," I said.



QOC: What is your best clubbing experience?

I feel like I hadn't written a descriptive piece so I decided to give it a shot in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. If you have any comments please share them. I promise, I don't bite

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote

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