like my father (25)

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My mother was alive. That in itself was a miracle. When she saw me from the distance, she literally started crying just like Ellie said she would. Mom was always overly dramatic. I remember when I got hurt riding my bike, she cried more than I did. She would host extravagant parties over the smallest of my achievements. I used to hate this but I soon realized that this was just her way of showing that she cared. Mom never had children of her own. And when her mate died that possibility died as well.

I was rather annoyed that even my mother seemed to have known about my sister and Damien's relationship. Which made things worse. How did I not see this? Where was I when all this happened? Also, I would have considered myself to be close with Ellie yet she too said nothing to me. I was annoyed that they were dating and it was going to take some time getting used to it. But I was extremely pissed that they hid the relationship from me completely. I thought we never had secrets among us. But clearly I was wrong. They both betrayed me.

There were a few other vampires who escaped with Ellie and my mother. It was their personal body guards and some other loyal warriors. Apparently they had left as soon as they felt the ancient spells on the palace break down. My dad being the hero that he was, sent them to safety and stayed behind to buy them time. I was proud that he did that. But I also really could have used his advice right now. Mom and Ellie had come here immediately when they left the palace. Which made sense since Ellie was the one who listened to Dad's teachings. He always said that the Lunar pack would always allow us safe passage if need be. Father had his friend help the pack during a war against witches and thus they owed him a debt. So, here we were.

I guess, I was no longer James Rodrick. It was about time that Dimitri was back again. Besides my hair was now nearly fully coconut brown. It also was starting to grow back which meant I would have my curls back. I must admit that I did miss having hair to pull on when I was thinking. For the past few months, I would slide my hands through my hair only to remember that I had cut off my hair for my disguise. A disguise that had eventually become my reality.


I was up extremely early the very next day. I had quite a lot to process from these past events. I also struggled to sleep when I was away from home. It's like my brain needed time to adjust to the new environment. This was why I preferred to stay in one place. But now was not the time for preference. After all, if I am to talk on preference I might as well say that I would prefer to be back in the palace with my whole family alive and well. But we can not have what we want now can we.

Being up so early, I decided to explore my surroundings. The forest was a rather peaceful place. I felt like the deeper in the forest I went, the more all my worries just drifted away. The grass was very green and it looked like it was freshly cut which was odd considering this was a forest and all. But I guess the werewolves took care of their home. I also noticed that there were clothes literally laying around every tree bark. Which was good because the last thing I needed was to walk into a naked wolf.

After wandering in the forest for some time, I heard the soft flow of water. Thus I slowly headed towards the sound. I realized as I got to the riverbank that there was already someone else present. So, I turned around not wanting to disturb the person, but then they spoke, "Your father was a lot like you."

I recognized that voice from last night. It was the Alpha. Of course he smelt me. Werewolves had the greatest sense of smell after all. I turned around and decided to join him since, I had already been caught. He then went on speaking despite the fact that he was still staring at the lake, "He was a great man. Now, because you are just like him, I know you probably want revenge."

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