Confessions (16)

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AN: Please vote for the chapter 


"Well, you came back late," Damien said as soon as I got into the house. I mean it was pretty late, but I definitely didn't need him parenting me. I can take care of myself for goodness sake! "Why on earth are you in my room?" I responded irritated by his mere presence. I was annoyed that he was here, because I wanted some alone time. I had just gotten back from Rebecca's place after putting her to bed. And I was extremely tired.

"I didn't pin you for one to mess around with humans," he added ignoring my earlier comment. His comment seemed to tick me off. Like why would he even say that? There was nothing wrong with humans. Rebecca was my friend so I wasn't going to stand and listen to this rubbish. "What do you mean?" I asked very slowly hoping that Damien go the hint of how mad I was.

Wait, I was getting angry at my best friend over a girl. What was happening to me? Damien and I hardly argued. We always got into arguments about who is better, but never over a girl. I seriously need to get a grip on myself. He didn't even say anything wrong. I mean a couple of weeks ago, I too would have said such a statement about humans. I needed to calm down.

For the past couple weeks, he said I was to lay low since I had a bounty on my head. I was literally glued up in my room until night time, as it was safer for me to roam without being caught. Now I was just tired of it all.

"You like this woman. I see it in the way you talk about her. How defensive you are about her right now. And let's not forget you haven't once mentioned your precious mate," he said smirking at me like he just figured me out. That wasn't true.

I didn't talk about my mate because there was nothing to say about her. She was married now probably. I haven't really checked because that would be me adding salt to the wound. Besides there wasn't much I could do to convince her to love me. I lost the royal card I wanted to use to win her. I was literally just James now. And she made it very clear where she stood with regards to me being James the postman.

Destiny was supposed to love me for me, but she didn't. I guess it was a family thing after all. Like father, like son. Besides, I think it is better this way. Secondly, Rebecca was just my friend. I was allowed to have friends. I hated how people always thought that people of opposite sex couldn't just be friends. Rebecca is my friend and nothing more. I didn't feel the need to explain myself to Damien. I knew that the more, I tried to defend myself the worse it looked. Besides Damien was secretive himself. I would never know if he was married on the side.

"Well Damien, since you seem to know so much have you been in love before?" I taunted. I didn't want to discuss my life with him so figured I would flip the cards and make this go away. "Yes," he said so softly that it was only due to my vampire hearing that I was able to make it out. I had a feeling this story wasn't going to have a happy ending. But I also really wanted to know. It wasn't every day that mucho Damien was willing to open up. So, I took any scrapes he gave. "What happened?" I asked matching his soft tone.

"It was much like what you are having right now," he said and smiled deep in memory. I didn't interrupt and just listened. Then he continued, "It started off with us spending time together just as friends. Exactly like you are doing with Rebecca right now. She was more in tune with her feelings than I was of course. So, she had confessed her love for me as soon as she knew. But back then, I didn't know how to respond to her confession so, I said nothing."

Damien then looked away from me for a moment there I thought he was going to cry. Did this girl break his heart? I hoped not but my hopes were not high. Damien of all people deserved happiness. I always hoped he would find someone to love. Someone to remind him how beautiful this life is. Maybe then he would open up about watching his mother die. He has never spoken about it and He needs to deal with it to move on properly. Yes, I am a firm believer in dealing with things and moving on. There is no use bottling things up. They eventually will pop out. Might as well deal with them one by one than all at once. What if you can't handle so many issues all at once anyways?

Damien then continued speaking again "I don't know when, where or how but one day, I woke up and I knew without a doubt that I was in love with her too. I was planning how I was going to tell her, but I was too late. She passed on and I never got the chance to tell her I loved her too."

What was with the air of today and people just pouring their hearts out? First it was Rebecca and now it was Damien. I wasn't the best at this comforting thing, but after today, I had enough practice to last me a lifetime.


Since this chapter is called confessions, I feel it's fitting that I confessed something about myself. So, here goes nothing- I am currently studying medicine and I'm in my third year. So, I am almost half way through with this degree.

QOC: Now that I have confessed something, Its your turn to do so in the comments. Don't be shy now.

Ps: don't leave without hitting that vote.

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