Permission (22)

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It had taken us another two full days of driving to get to the Lunar pack. Yes, we used human transportation for the rest of the trip. If we were to use our speed we would most certainly gotten there much faster. But it drains us of energy moving that fast. And since we were no longer amongst humans, our favourite source of food, we chose to save our energy. Besides we were not in a rush. Whilst driving, Damien and I hadn't exchanged any words. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, as I was lost in my own. The silence was normal for us though. I had expected Damien to ask me questions regarding meeting my mate but he never asked. His reaction left me conflicted as I wasn't sure why he didn't ask. Was he doing this out of compassion or did he just not care at all? Damien was hard to read, unlike me. He never showed any emotions on his stoic face.

The Lunar pack was hidden faraway from any human civilization. It was situated deep within the forest, which is typical of wolves. It allowed them to be themselves freely and without worry of ever being seen by humans. I sometimes envied this about werewolves. They had true freedom. I couldn't go about and release my beast whenever I wanted to. Maybe it would have been better had we vampires lived in our own little world as well. But we needed to feed and for that we needed humans.

I was glad that I had stopped by my mate. I needed some closure and now I got it. I could finally start moving on. I must say, I was surprised that I remained in control despite having Destiny so close to me. I guess I had given her that power and since she didn't chose me, I somehow reclaimed it. It is such a shame that Destiny and I could not be together. She would have been a beautiful queen. But I must admit that she perhaps would not have made for an excellent queen.

My thoughts often drifted to Rebecca. I could only hope that she was doing well. Having been friends with her taught me many things. Thus I had decided that when I got my crown back, I was going to create a council of advisers. And I wanted her to be the human representative. She had some really good input on how I could change things for the better. I just hoped that she would agree after all the bad blood with my father. This time apart would do us both some good. After all, I valued our friendship and didn't want to lose that.

We had arrived at the pack entrance just after sunset, which was perfect because we had the night to our advantage. I was powerful and could live for an eternity, but one Jawlock bite from an alpha werewolf would render both me and the alpha, a slow and tortuously painful death. I did not need that anytime soon. I still had so much more to do in this life. So, with the night enhancement of my abilities, I had the upper hand.

Damien and I couldn't enter the pack borders because we needed entrance from the land owner. They literally had to let us in. See, back in the kingdom the land was owned by my family, so I could pass through it all, including the human town without needing permission to enter. It was how we were so rich and influential after all. Money was what ruled the human world. And we had plenty money to our name. That is how we came to rule them after all. The humans didn't know that we were vampires and they never would. We had kept it a secret for centuries and honestly it was better this way.

We were still far out from the pack house, but I could tell that this was where their land started because I felt it. If I tried to walk over the line, my beast would not let me enter. Yes, the permission was mainly for my beast to be allowed to enter the land. If a vampire is forcefully pushed into the land they would disconnect completely with their beast and thus die immediately once the split is complete. The beast cannot enter and thus there would be a painful split of the two parts that make us Vampires.

I glanced to Damien who was for some odd reason pacing up and down on my right. This could only mean one thing, that Damien was nervous. Why was Damien nervous? Did the Alpha refuse to grant us entrance? That would annoying. First of all, I am extremely tired. Secondly, I desperately need a bath. And this Alpha is our last hope in getting allies. We needed to win him over and with him on our side, we would find other allies more easily.

"Damien, what is going on?" I inquired. In my mind, I was already prepared for the worst. The worst being that we would not be able to get over this barrier and have to return from whence we came. This was not the first time I received bad news, in fact ever since my mate rejected me it seems I have been overloaded in bad news. In fact, I feel like I have mastered the art of receiving bad news.

Damien then stopped pacing around and turned to face me. Then Damien did something I had not seen in a while. It was so strange that I had to rub my eyes once over just to make sure that I was seeing the right thing. Let me explain to you what I was currently seeing. Damien's lips had gracefully turned upwards in what one can only call a smile. After seeing my expression of shock, Damien immediately wiped the smile off his face and said, "The Alpha has granted us entrance in his land."

So, we entered the Lunar pack's borders.


QOC: What is your favourite series?

The idea of asking for entrance I got from watching the originals. It is a really cool vampire series if you haven't watched it it. I wasn't a fan of the vampire diaries, but I am enjoying the original very much. What are your thoughts on the series and also if you any other series or movies you recommend me watching then tell me in the comments

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