Traumatised (23)

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The first thing I noticed as we neared the pack house, was the smell of vampires. Which was rather odd. Vampires and werewolves avoided each other like the plague. So, why were there vampires here? I looked to Damien and he too seemed to tense up. Now I was fine with taking on wolves, but vampires with wolves was another story. We were already outnumbered by far. The vampire traits were our best bet and now they had that too! It was a losing battle. Also, if the Alpha had vampires it meant trouble for us. We had been looking for allies out of the kingdom, because we were hoping word hadn't gone out to the other lands yet. But clearly we were wrong.

I looked at Damien and he looked back at me knowingly. We had one of two options right now and we needed to make a decision fast. We could either go forwards head on into this battle that was most likey going to be the end of us or we could leave right now. There was no one in sight and that meant that we would have a headstart from our enemies. Damien did not say anything to me but kept looking at me. Well, waiting on me. I had to decide. Damien was loyal to a fault, but this was definitely not his battle. But then again if he chose to leave me here to fight alone and I died, then he would be dead too. This is a simple fact. But I knew that even if he was not tied to me, he would still go headfirst into this untimely death with me.

I was so lost in thoughts of whether to leave right now or face the music when I heard a voice say, "Brother, it really is you." At the sound of the voice I froze. I knew that voice. I loved and hated that voice. It was the only voice that could insult me and get away unscathed. Heck, I could recognise that voice from anywhere. After all we grew up together. Most times that voice annoyed me to death, but hearing it right now was surreal. She was dead so it couldn't be. Since when did I start hearing voices? So, I slowly turned around to see where this voice came from. And there she was right in front of me. "Ellie?" I asked in disbelief. Could she still be alive or was this my brain playing tricks on me.

Since the day that Damien had told me that my family was killed, I never discussed the topic again. That also meant that I never asked how my parents were killed. I know that none of them would have died without fighting with all their hearts. I also know that it was an unfair battle. They were ambushed. That guilt was too much to handle. To keep telling myself, but if only I was there when it happened. It was much easier just not knowing. Especially with my overanalyzing brain. I would keep replaying the act in my head over and over until I went crazy. If I had not blocked the memory off, I would have let out my beast and nothing would have been able to stop me. Well, maybe death.

But alas it was indeed Ellie, in the flesh. She was standing right in front of me and she was very much alive. I was still paralysed by the realization that my baby sister was alive and well. I was also finally taking her in as I was scared this moment of having her here would not last long. Ellie's hair had grown much longer than normal. She always kept her hair short. Just above her shoulders. Her eyes conveyed how tired she was despite her current smile from seeing me. My mind was still taking all of Ellie in when it happened. I blinked and somehow, Damien was kissing my sister. And to make matters worse, she kissed him back!

Now I was certain, I was dreaming. But also why was I dreaming that my sister and best friend were kissing each other. There was no way Damien and my sister were together. I would have seen the signs. Besides Damien wouldn't keep something so big from me. But wait in his story about the girl he loved, he did say that she died. Dear lord, Damien was talking about Ellie! I didn't even realise that I was still staring at them in pure shock until my sister pulled away from Damien and said, "I can explain Dimitri."

I wasn't certain I knew how to speak after witnessing what I just did. So, I kept quiet as I was still trying to make sense of all that was currently going on around me. After a few moments of silence, I felt a powerful presence beside me. "Well isn't this a happy family reunion," an unfamiliar male voice spoke. I then turned to my right side and finally acknowledged this new presence. He seemed intimidating with all the body building he had going on with his form. But in all honesty that much muscle only made one slower. "You must be Alpha Xavier," Damien spoke breaking the silence that once again encompassed us. I was glad he spoke because I was still too traumatized to speak right now.

"Yes, and you must be Damien and Dimitri," he said looking at each one of us as he said our names. How did he even know our real names? Oh wait, Ellie must have filled him in. What else had she filled him in on? Also, how was she alive? Were my parents here too? I really need to have a talk with Dad right now. He would know what to do.

"You must have a lot of questions brother, but first let's get you guys settled in. I'm one-hundred percent certain mom is going to cry when she realizes that you are here," Ellie said gleefully. She then went and held Damien's arm. Then the Alpha, Ellie and Damien all started walking in the direction of the pack house like one happy family. What on earth is this foolery?

So, I reluctantly followed close behind.


So Ellie is alive, and she and Damien kissed. 

QOC: Did you foresee this happening? Let me know in the comments about what you think about their relationship?

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