A new Sister (28)

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After my mother told us the truth yesterday, we all went our separate ways.

I headed back to the lake again. There was too much going on. And my brain was in overdrive from all the new information I was trying to process.

I finally had a plan of action, but things just got worse. I was going against my sister. Seneca was my own blood. Also, it was her birth right to rule the kingdom. Thus I couldn't call the council anymore. They would kill her. Now, I wasn't a fan of her, but I also didn't want my sister dead. I wouldn't be able to live with myself afterwards. Besides, I was really curious to meet her now.

I wonder what she looks like. Did she have a beast? Does her eyes turn golden when she does magic like the other witches? Does she feed on blood? What colour was her hair? Did we look alike? Now, that I think about it there were never any pictures of my sister up anywhere. She was hidden up in the palace ever since she took over. Why was she hiding if she wanted to rule the kingdom?

I also wondered what it would be like if I wasn't royalty, now that it was a possibilty. Ever since I was a child, I knew that I was going to inherit the crown. Now that I had an older sister, I didn't necessarily have to be king anymore. Somehow, I felt relived at this thought. All that pressure and weight being lifted off my shoulders would be amazing. I also would get to have an older sibling. I hated being the first born honestly. My parent's had such great expectations for me, whereas Ellie was free to do whatever she desired.

But unfortunately, my older sister had to be evil. Not to mention a hybrid. She couldn't rule still, because the council would know about her and if they did then well, it would be the literal end of her. I guess I still had to wear the crown.

The council was formed many years ago after the Great War. The Great War in summary was a war involving all supernatural species. This includes vampires, witches, werewolves, fayes and yeah the humans. I heard stories of how there were hybrids and tribrids back then as well. In the end many lives had been lost of which most were humans. So, after the war the council was setup. It consists of a representative from each species. That's how the Vampire King came about. Basically, the Vampire King rules over all the vampire species. No, this did not mean that all the vampires in the world lived in my kingdom. They were free to live where ever they saw fit. But I was their king. When I would get crowned they would all fly in for my coronation.

To the humans however, I was just a regular prince. A royal family of sorts like they have in England and nothing more. The other council members were scattered over the globe and just like me they were either kings or presidents depending on where they lived. This was to ensure that there was a supernatural leader everywhere. So, yeah even if there was a witch dispute in my kingdom, I addressed it.

There was a human representative as well and he knew of our existence. It was necessary. After all, humans needed to be represented as well. Ever since the war, the few who knew of our existence, had been building weapons that could destroy us. So far the guns were able to kill us for a few hours, but then we'd wake up again. They had created guns that could blow up our brains. Now those were effective in killing a turned vampire if they hit the hippocampus of the brain. It's like right in the center of the brain. For an original vampire however they needed better tech thank that. The nuclear bombs are yet to be seen in action. But with the magic coursing through our veins, I doubt it would work. Only magic could destroy magic and they had none.

If my sister became Queen, she would be the vampire representative on the council. Thus meaning, she would have to be on the council. The very council that would want her head. I thought about calling in the council, but that would make me seem weak. I was not weak. In fact I was far from weak. I could take a whole witch coven down by myself. I could take on a wolf pack too. I have to admit that the alpha would be somewhat of a challenge. The only other supernatural being that was competition for me was the Faye. They lived for centuries. And they saw and knew everything. I did not want to ever bark on that tree.

If I let my beast out, I knew that I could cause havoc. And I didn't want that. I needed to plan strategically such that as little lives as possible were lost. That meant no beast. When my beast comes, all it wants is blood. Once it was let out, it would only return once its blood thirst was sated or well calmed down. But it's quite strong so calming it down was hard. It killed each and everything in its wake. I couldn't risk killing another innocent village. I had already taken too many innocent lives to last me a century.

Yeah, I am not as heartless as vampires should be. But then again, I was basically sort of human before dad killed me, so I know what it's like to be vulnerable. Thus I keep my beast in check.

"So, we have a sister," Ellie said behind me. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't even heard her coming. She then came and took a seat beside me. I looked at her and already could tell what was about to happen. I missed my sister. And I definitely missed what we were about to do.

Taking a deep breathe in, I replied, "Yes, I guess we do."



QOC: How do you deal with stress?

How would you react to this new information if you were in Dimitri's shoes? Let me know in the comments below.

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