Chapter 35 The new deal

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I walked out of Tyler's closet just as he came out of the bathroom. "Wow, how long has it been since I stayed here. These clothes are way old." I said as I held the shirt that was on my body.

" I said as I held the shirt that was on my body

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"Yeah, I think it has been a while." He said as I tossed him one of his shirts. "You could try my mom's closet." He laughed.

"Not a chance," I said as I check my phone. "Are you hanging with Jeremy today?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" He said as he pulled on his shoes.

"Because he asked if I could come with him," I said as I waved my phone at him. "I just told him that I am already here."

"Okay, sounds good." He said as he picked up his phone and texted someone.

"So, what will you boys be doing?" I asked as he grabbed his jacket and headed downstairs.

"Nothing, just a little drinking and having fun." He said as he held the door open for me.

"What kind of fun?" I asked as I walked out the door.

"This is kind of fun," Jeremy said as he held up Rick's crossbow. I raised my eyebrow at them and then followed them into the woods. I sat down on a log and watched Jeremy shoot the crossbow at a beer can set up across from him.

"Nice shot." Tyler and I said at the same time.

"So, what's the point of this again?" I asked the boys.

"The point is I'm pissed at Caroline, and Bonnie dumped his ass," Tyler explained.

"Because he kissed Anna and I don't know what you did, Tyler," I said as I pointed at them.

"Are you here to help or make fun?" Jeremy asked as he held the crossbow up.

"Both." I smiled as my phone vibrated.

"The point is to get drunk and shoot stuff, Dawnie," Tyler said as he picked up the can and set it on the tree. I felt my phone vibrate again and I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey, Dawn. Have you seen Jeremy? He's not picking up his phone." I looked over towards Jer and swung my leg over the log I was on and stood up.

"Yeah, I have seen him," I said as I walked away from the boys. "What's the matter, Rick?" I asked.

"He got fired from his job and he is failing classes," Rick said as I turned and looked back at the boys. Tyler was laughing because he caught one of the arrows Jeremy shot at him.

"Okay, if I see him, I will send him your way," I said as I hung up. I slid my phone into my pocket as I marched over to the boys and stood in front of Jeremy.

"Could you move?" He said with a slight attitude.

"You got fired?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

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