Chapter 42 Do not go gentle

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I stood outside of Caroline's house as I waited for her mom to leave

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I stood outside of Caroline's house as I waited for her mom to leave. I watched as she left for work. I stepped up to the house. I pulled a hairpin out of my hair and leaned down on my knees as I picked the lock. I picked it for a moment until I heard the tumblers click telling me that it was now unlocked. I stood up and wiped the dirt from my pants. I opened the door and stepped in. I shut the door behind me as I looked around. I knew Care was at school so I could be here as long as I wanted. I walked into the house that I have spend many sleepovers at. That I shared secrets with my friends. but if I was to ask her about the picture, she would either lie or brag. I needed proof. I stepped into Caroline's room and saw the said drawing on the side table. I picked it up and examined it. It was Klaus's sketches that I knew way too much. I felt tears come to my eyes that I knew weren't mine. I felt my heart hurt as I stared at the page. I crumbled the page and left out the door. 


I marched into Klaus's mansion and walked past Rebekah. I stopped for a moment as she walked from the room. I felt something off coming off her. It didn't feel like Bex but I couldn't pinpoint it. She left the room and I brushed it off as I went into Klaus's art room. "Incendia," I said as the canvas he was painting caught fire. He stepped back as the fire burned the piece of artwork. He snapped his head to me with surprise. "What the fricking hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at him.

"You are going to have to be a bit more specific, dear." He said as he stepped away from the burning canvas and to me. I pulled the page from Caroline's house out of my jacket. I watched as his face fell. He stared at the page I held in my hand. "Dawn, let me..."

"Save it." I raised my hands up as I felt the rage and jealousy flow through my hands. "Bruciare supe terram, faciendo ignis ga praemium (Hope's spell I know)." I waved my hands forwards as the energy flowed through me and on to the canvases behind him. The canvases and the walls burst into flames. Klaus snapped his head to the drawings and supplies around the room. but he didn't seem to care about them at the moment. He turned to me and placed his hands on my arms to keep the focus on me.

"Dawn, you need to calm down." He said trying to calm me.

"Don't tell me to calm down." I pushed him away. The energy flew at him making him fall to the ground. "What is this? Why did you give this to Caroline?" I said as I held the page up. The fire burning the room and in my eyes. I felt the rage burn as bright as the room. My heart was beating with the fire as I watched it burn. Klaus stood up from the floor and in front of me.

"It was nothing." He pleaded. "You know, she is the one who fancies me. I drew it only to play with her a bit. You know I only love you." He explained as the fire grew.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I felt the rage die a bit but it was still there. I felt my heartbeat soften. "Ignis Subsisto. (fire stop)." I waved my hand around to cease the fire. "Fine," I said as I turned around to leave the destruction behind me. I heard Klaus sigh as I walked away.

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