【Chapter 6】

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*(𝐘/𝐍) 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦*

I feel so scared, so hurt, so very hurt. Why am I feeling these things? That's all I can feel, the rest is just nothing. I can't even hear anything, wait, I think I hear something. Are those...screams? The screams seem to be of pain, are they in pain like me? Maybe I should open my eyes to go find the sources of those screams, maybe they know what going on. However, there's the problem, I cant seem to be able to open my eyes. 

Why can't I open my eyes? Oh, so many questions, I hate how little I know of these situations it's almost suffocating. I think I hear something, their voices not screams, and they seem to be nearing from where I am, is this good or bad? I don't know, I wish I had my friend Meliodas here with me right about now, maybe he might know what's happening.

So first things first, I have to get up. Though there's another problem, I can't seem to be able to lift my arms to help me get up, or any body part for that matter. This will surely not be very beneficial on my part since I really don't know what happening or where I am at this moment. Hearing louder footsteps come closer all I could do was listen, I was as defenseless as a lamb to a wolf at this moment so I hope that person doesn't see me, though the person gotta be pretty oblivious to his or hers surrounding to not spot me.

Hoping that the footsteps became fainter and less loud was just wishful thinking, why? The reason is that the footsteps became unbelievably loud and stopped right in front of me, how lucky. What will happen now? Will I die? Oh, I barely got used to like, how unfair. Though, I guess nothing is fair in life so I shouldn't really be complaining now should I?

"Hey, you, (Y/N) right? Well, I'm the former Demon King, you probably don't remember me, which is a good thing, but ever since my...son imprisoned me in this hell hole I had no other option but to wake you up. You see, I want revenge on him and his comrades for what they have done to me so I want you to take revenge for me, how does that sound?" This...supposedly Demon King said, he wants me to take revenge for him? Though, isn't revenge... bad?

Maybe I should be able to talk now, clearing my throat I found out that I could let out sounds, nice. "Mr. Demon King, isn't revenge bad? You're even asking me to take revenge on my friends, even though I don't remember much I know that that's not very nice." I said with a bit of hostility, first this person brings me here without my consent, and now he's asking me to betray my friends? For him? Truly, he must be a bit wrong in the head to ask for such a request.

"Listen, I know it might sound bad, but you have to! You see, this guy who calls himself your friend isn't your friend at all. In fact, the reason why you don't remember anything is because of him. He killed you back 3,000 years ago because he loved someone called Elizabeth. You probably know her, but both of them are the very reason why you don't remember anything. They locked you in an eternal slumber for you to never come between them, ever. They also betrayed me, for you see Meliodas locked me up in here as a way for me to never save my race, the race that I love and wanted to resurrect, my family. Though Meliodas, his comrades, and even my two sons betrayed me and now I'm stuck here, forever." Once he finished I could sense that he was giving off a sad aura, how could his own sons do that to their father? Here I thought that they were my friends, guess I was wrong.

"So, what do you want me to do? Just wake up and go kill them all? Really, there gotta be more to your plan than just that, I hope." I said with a lazy tone, it seems like Meliodas and the others just wanted to use me, using someone who didn't remember anything from her life making her defenseless, their such cruel monsters.

The former Demon King gave a deep chuckle as I felt myself being lifted onto the air, how odd, this time except from feeling all free and good I feel strange, like something bad is about to happen.

"In order for justice to prevail I need you to become stronger, right now you aren't as strong as I would have like for you to be so Ill just have to give you a little push." The last words left me confused, giving me a little push? What is that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean by a little push?" I asked as curiosity laced my tone, really everything is just so strange to me. First, a piece of land being covered by just green and now being in a dream as the Demon King was telling me all this new information, I feel accomplished. Though I feel like it's not enough, I need more.

"I mean by giving you a little push I will give you the power of this prison, which is the power of the Demon King, and my original power. Combined I am sure you will have no trouble having revenge for what they had done to you and for what they had done to me.  However, I do ask for something else, you see, I would like you to reclaim your position as the Queen of the Demon race and exterminate all other races for what they have done to us, I just hope your up to it." What Mr. Demon King said sounded wonderful, I still didn't know how he was going to do it. Give me the power of his prison and himself? Really a far fetched idea.

"I will die in the process, sure, but in the end, I know it will all have been done for the good thing in the end, and I know you will also know that in the end. Now, all you gotta do is take deep breathes, in and out, and once I count to six I will give you all the power in this area, remember, don't disappoint me (Y/N)." All I gave was a nod, all this will be for him and me, our revenge story. Even though I don't know many details on how all this happened I still know one thing, he must have been telling the truth.

I began to softly count down to six, though once he reached the undaunted six I felt a sudden drop in temperature as I began to rise higher and higher. The screams became louder as it became colder, even crashing noises were heard. Though all of a sudden I felt like a thousand flaming swords were piercing my seven hearts all at once leaving me in a stage of wanting to scream, though yet again I wasn't able to move even a muscle leaving me to silently suffer this great pain, and again I began to slip out of conscience or in this matter, out of my dream.

*(𝐘/𝐍) 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬*

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ------ •°*"˜.•°*"˜

*(𝐘/𝐍) 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

Waking up I quickly stood upon the ground as I was panting, lifting a hand towards my hair I started to soothe it out of its knots as I stared straightforward. Though I quickly realized I wasn't in the ground anymore as I saw that I was confined into a room with green colored walls with a closet on one side and a mirror and the other as a bed was near the window. 

Finally, my breathing seemed to calm down as I put my arm back to my sides as I looked around some more as a distraction from my hectic dream. Hearing the room door creak open I quickly looked up only to see it was...Meliodas the traitor.

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ!)

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ!)

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