Chapter 51 | Monarch

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Hey APK Family!

Merry Christmas to all of you, here is your Christmas present from me to you, to say thankyou for all of the times you waited so paitiently for my uploads this year (and all the years previous). Its up a little later than I expected to be posting it apologies, my Christmas Day ended up being a little buisier than I had predicted! I hope you guys enjoy the Chapter, I know you're probably getting a bit imaptient for Obsidian, but don't worry - he will be in the next Chapter for sure. I am not sure yet, whether or not the Chapter after this will be the last one, I think I will know when I write it :) I will let you guys know though, in the Authors note at the top.

Wishing you and all your families and friends, a wonderful Christmas.
Much Love,

Daisy xx


Chapter 51 | Monarch


'Breathe, darling,
you have done it before,
and you can do it
a g a i n.'




Circe's final two days passed slowly and without consequence.

After he had brought her back to her room, Ambrose's parting words, meant to set her at ease – she was sure – only served to fuel her anxiety as she wondered what was occurring outside of her little bubble.

You do not need to worry, he had told her, I will not allow you to suffer the same fate as I.

Unfortunately, this only caused her to imagine that what was in store for her was indeed far worse than merely speaking before the masses.

When she had fallen asleep that night, it had been to dreams of Gisir Ilyrana, staring down at her as she had stood in the place of Ambrose, the Great Dragon's powerful and thunderous voice sweeping through her mind as he condemned her to serve under the throne forever.

She had not heard from Ambrose since that night, and it remained that way until the evening of her second day, when a knock at her door had her sitting up from where she was curled on an armchair, staring blankly at a wall, lost in thought.

"It's open," she called, her voice a little hoarse from misuse. She raised a hand to her throat, coughing to clear it.

The door opened, revealing the Water Sprite to her, his blue hair pulled into a braid over his left shoulder, his eyes a little listless. Although she could feel the fatigue radiating off of him from across the room, upon locating Circe in her chair, Ambrose offered her a small smile which she took to be a good thing.

"Ambrose," she made to get out of her chair, but he dismissed her advance, choosing instead to sink down into the chair opposite.

"What's been going on?" She asked worriedly, "I haven't heard from anyone."

He had closed his eyes and now he waved away her concerns with one hand. "You do not need to worry; it is under control."


"Meaning that unfortunately, while you still need to follow through with your Public address, there will be no other consequences accompanying your abdication."

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