Chapter 6 | The Dragon Returns

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Hey Guys, here is the second chapter that I promised, hope it is okay! Please remember to VOTE for both chapters :) Thanks peeps! xox



I had been here now for a little over a week and a half and even though my days were busy, he never left my thoughts. He was with me everywhere I went, I could hear his voice in my head, remarking sarcastically on whatever I was doing, I could see him in every shadowy corner, I could feel him breathing warm air against my neck as I lounged on the couch at night time, one of Arthurs many books balanced in my hands.

One such night I was concentrating on my reading less than usual, distraction was playing with my mind and I idly brought my hands through my short hair as I watched Alice feed Frank little fish from her red pail, his tentacles waving around happily as he gobbled up the tasty morsels.

Arthur was in the kitchen, making a pot of tea and I closed my eyes as I listened to him humming a random tune. I would have to leave this place soon, as much as I wanted to stay. I had explored around the village and knew from Arthur that there was a trail that I could follow that went inland. I wasn't sure yet what I would do exactly, but I hadn't let him know that. As much as I had quickly grown to like this lonely Father and his daughter, what we had lost could never be replaced and both of us only served as a reminder of that fact. I saw him staring over at his wife's chair daily and once in the middle of the night I had heard him talking and upon opening my door slightly saw him kneeling at the foot of the arm chair, his arms folded on the seat, hiding his face while his shoulders shook with loss.

I knew it was difficult for him to have me here, although he didn't show it, a true gentleman, and it was the least I could do to impose no further and move on from this quaint village.

I was mulling over when I should leave, (tomorrow or the next day?), the book drooping in my relaxed hand when suddenly a cry echoed out from the direction of the beach. I sat upright immediately my eyes growing wide.

Alice had paused in what she was doing, her little face staring out the window and in the kitchen Arthur had frozen in place, his eyes staring and his shoulders tense.

"What's going on?"

Another cry came, one of both anger and fear and it was soon joined by other shouting voices. A moment later there was a sound, a terrible sound, one that struck me in my heart with its familiarity.

Arthur had reached the door and placed his daughter to the side, commanding her to stay put. Without a glance in my direction he was gone into the night. I followed after him as though I was being pulled by an invisible rope, my book falling to the floor. I paused in the doorway and in the kitchen the kettle whistled shrilly. There were flicking lights coming through the trees and the yells were louder.

"Stay here." I said to Alice hurriedly. "Go to your room. If anything bad happens, hide okay? Your Father will be back soon." The little girl nodded and I ran out the door without further delay.

My bare feet thudded through the dirt as I ran down the trail that led to the beach, my heart thumping in my chest. All of a sudden the light swelled and I heard someone scream out in fear. I broke through the treeline gasping and took in the sight before me in horror.

The villagers were gathered around an animal that they had managed to trap in their fishing nets, they held torches and were yelling as they struggled to contain it, poking at it with fishing spears in an attempt to scare it into submission. But this beast would not be defeated. Its white head swivelled this way and that, large jaws with deadly teeth searching for flesh. It belched out a column of fire which caused the men to jump back and off to the side I saw a figure lying in the sand, still and unmoving. The creatures wings lifted feebly in an attempt to throw off the nets, but the weight on either side was too much for it.

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