Chapter 36 | Past and Present

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So yeah this Chapter happened.
(Disclaimer: The Author is not responsible for this shit storm of emotion, it just kinda happened okay?!!)

Good news is it's an early Chapter and I would really like to dedicate it to @Memoryxx and @jewelthief_00 - Although I'm very grateful to all of you guys for following APK after so long, I feel like you two a representation of an old and new following and I am very blessed to have your support <3 So thank you!
Love Daisy xox


Chapter 36 | Past and Present


"Isn't it lovely?
All alone?
Tear me to piece's
skin and b o n e,
welcome home."

-Billie Elish & Khalid (Lovely)



Standing over the dead body of his Father, knife in hand, his chest heaved with exertion. Although he was surrounded, not one word was spoken and slowly he dropped to his knees, his own blood pooling around him and mixing with that of his Fathers. His face was joyless as he wiped his mouth and spoke darkly, his words, and the venomous derision that laced them, not befitting a child his age.

"Eleven years on this Earth with you was far too long Father. I'm not sorry."

He looked down at his hands and saw that his fingers were trembling. His eyes were glassy as he stared at his own bloodstained skin and deep inside, his heart tore a little, a wound that would never heal - a scar to match all the others. He showed no sign that he had felt it though and instead raised his head to take one last look at the man he had known as 'Father.'

The older man's face was not peaceful in death. His golden eyes were wide open, staring up at nothing, and his mouth, although slack, held the memory of a cruel snarl. So many emotions left there on the surface... revulsion, loathing, rage, and then the feelings that the boy had no desire to acknowledge, pain, bitterness, suffering ... sorrow ... regret ...

In one hand the man still grasped a sword, an elegant weapon, whose golden hilt was studded with gems, its blade a deep, obsidian black. Almost as though someone else was moving his body for him, the boy reached down and plucked the sword from his Fathers hand. He straightened and held it vertically, studying the weapon closely. He had admired it many a time before as it had cut an arc through the air towards him, held firmly by his Fathers hand, gleaming with the promise of death.

'I'll do you the honour of killing you with this blade Boy. You should thank me, it's more than you deserve.'

"You are mine now," The boy stated, feeling the need to speak the words aloud. "My Father no longer has use for you." He stared down the weapon, his child's mind imagining that an understanding had passed between them.

He looked then, from the prize that he had claimed, to his Father's other hand which rested heavily on the back of another child, lying splayed on the wooden deck, his body trapped under the dead weight of the man's arm. His eyes were closed but a pulse beat steadily at his throat and as Obsidian watched, he saw Cobalt's fingers twitch, his face screwing up a little as he cried silent tears that slipped out from the corners of his eyes and disappeared in the curves of his face. '

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