Extra | April 2020

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Hey Guys,

I am expecting to have the next Chapter up in a few days, it's probably going to be around 8,000 words and I'm at 6,300 now :)
I was writing it last night and it started getting pretty heavy and so I decided to have a small break from Plot and unleash some of my pent up fluff.

This extra was inspired by the current state of the world and my desire to write my two favorites in a modern setting. Its been a while since I have taken them out of the context of an APK setting so this was quite fun.

I was also inspired by these two songs which I'll link below. The first is 'Fly me to the moon', and the second is 'Falling in Love with You', both edited to sound as though they are playing in another room. I highly recommend you listen with headphones while reading, it really sets the tone <3

Much love to you all, I hope you are all staying safe & are feeling okay, mentally/physically with the current state of affairs. Whatever situation you've found yourself in.


Extra | April 2020

The one where Circe finds herself in lock-down and doesn't know how to feel about it. Obsidian reminds her what is important.


Circe woke up feeling a little lonely. The bed was cold beside her and rain thundered down against the windowpane outside.
She shivered, drawing the covers in around herself, blinking sleepily at the half-opened curtain. The rain slid mesmerizingly down the glass beyond and she watched it for a while as she roused herself fully from her slumber.
The mass of blankets on top of her slowly warmed her body and she snuggled down a little deeper.

It was late into the first week of their isolation and she still did not feel wholly comfortable with the situation.
Although she had assured herself that she was already doing her part by remaining at home, although she had many projects she could immerse herself in, although she should be grateful that she still had her job and a regular pay-check, she still could not shake this restless anxiety that nibbled at her body, setting her on edge.
Was the world going to look the same when she and everyone else emerged after four weeks from their respective bubbles? She wasn't sure. And it made her uneasy in ways she found difficult to put into words.

At some point she became aware of music playing in the room beyond. He was listening to classics again today, Frank Sinatra; she recognized the tune.
The thought of him dragged her from their bed, motivating her to find her dressing gown and wrap it around her body. She was still wearing socks. It had been cold last night, and he kept complaining that her feet were like ice blocks.

Her bedroom door opened with a click and the music became a little louder as she entered the hallway. She could see the light gleaming under the door and could practically feel the heat in the room beyond. He would have the fire going, she was sure.

She reached for the living room door, opening it with a silent yawn. As she had suspected, the warmth was enveloping. In the hearth opposite, a log crackled and sunk deeper into the fire with a roar. He must have been up for some time.
She closed the door behind her and found him on the couch, his body spread languidly across the black leather upholstery.

A Dragon's Heart (Book Three in the APK Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now