Chapter 54 | (Un)contained

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Here is Chapter 54!

Tomorrow once I am finished editing, I will post the final Chapter (55). There will also be an epilogue that I will edit and post sometime in the week!

I hope you enjoy the Chapter,
Love Daisy x


Chapter 54 | (Un)contained


'Let me die first,
or I will die
t w i c e.'




"You- "

Circe stared at the person standing in front of her, her face paling drastically. She glanced down at the hand that still held hers gently. Although it was more humanoid in its shape, it was, without a doubt, a dragon's claw. The white scales were smooth and soft, but the claws extended past the fingertip, sharpening into lightly curved points, that were too long and too sharp to be called nails.

Her gaze skimmed over his face once more. Now that she had recovered from her initial shock, she realised that this form was almost identical to Zalas's half-dragon form that he transformed into when he fought.

Her previous relief was rapidly disintegrating into dread. All she could think of  was Obsidian and Zarska. Was this what had happened here as well? Was Zalas destined to be lost forever, with only his brother inhabiting the shell that was left behind?

Noticing her gaze, Unabonan let her hand fall from his, retracting it rapidly with a light sneer of self-derision. When his upper lip curled, she saw curving fangs set in the place of incisors, and if she was not mistaken, a soft hiss of annoyance escaped his lips when he sighed.

I apologise, he thought to her, and she was shocked by the self-loathing present in his mental voice, this form is most undesirable.

She started as she realised; he had misinterpreted her silence as disgust. "No-" she said helplessly, "no, that's not why I-"

A sudden thought occurred to her and she turned to Airocei abruptly, remembering only now, her Aunt's words from earlier. The Queen had arrived beside her while she was otherwise occupied and now Airocei looked up at Unabonan with a sad, gentle smile on her face.

"Is this what you meant by 'needing time to recover?'" Circe asked sharply.

Airocei glanced at her, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to catch Circe's train of thought. "If you are thinking of the scenario that occurred with your Pirate and his dragon, then no, not exactly-" she began, however, before she could continue, the doors to the throne room opened once more and an all too familiar voice swept into the room.

"Mother. I am sorry for the delay – has she arrived yet? I can go and fetch –"

Circe turned to meet a pair of opalescent eyes that were filled with worry.

Her expression collapsed in undisguised relief and she swore that she was going to get whiplash from all of these churning emotions.

"Zalas." Her throat felt thick and her eyes were hot as she called his name, her feet carrying her forwards before she had realised she was moving.

She hugged him tightly, confirming he was real and when she felt his hands hovering awkwardly around her as he tried to decide what to do, she resisted the urge to laugh. It was undoubtably Zalas this time.

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