Chapter 27 | Intentions

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Hi Guys,

Here is Chapter 27, it is a little bit shorter than the previous one but I didn't want you all to have to wait too long and I feel like this Chapter is quite intense anyway.
You guys might not remember some of the Characters that are implied to be present in this Chapter but if you are confused, I recommend re-reading the prologue to this book to refresh your memories :)

As always, love to you all.
Daisy xo


Chapter 27 | Intentions

'I loved you at your darkest.'

-Romans 5:8

In the middle of the ocean, half a day's sailing from the coast of Balagar two twin peaks jutted out from the ocean, not large enough to be called an island, yet not small enough to pass unnoticed by a seasoned sailor. The rocks almost appeared to form a triangle, a thin slit down the middle of the two halves the only thing keeping the peaks from touching

These peaks were in fact, a source of navigation for the vessels that sought passage to and from Balagar, if one continued sailing in a straight north from the middle of the two peaks, they would eventually reach Balagar's rocky coastline.

So, when the stoic island suddenly appeared to have vanished, many sailors believed that the rocks had finally lost against the ocean and crumbled down to be swallowed by the depths. For the seasoned sailor who was used to the route, the loss of the landmark was a blow, but not a devastating loss, after all at the end of the day it was a navigator's job to set the course, landmark or not. However, it could perhaps account for one or two ships getting lost or delayed, perhaps for a few that didn't show up at all. Although such a thing was rather unusual, then again that landmark had always been there. And otherwise what else could explain the sudden increase in late vessels? Or even stranger, ships that had seemed to inexplicably vanish off very water they called home?

This was the conundrum that met Nathaniel as he ventured down to the docks early that morning to check on his order, Jhaer walking close behind him, silent in her observations.

"I don't know what to tell you."

The owner of the Merchant company Nathaniel was trading through shrugged his shoulders, running a hand through his sparing amount of hair before jamming his cap back on his head. A pipe hung from his lips and he puffed on it heavily, his weathered eyes telling Nathaniel that he wasn't the first one with questions.

"All I can say is that the ship should have arrived three days ago and hasn't arrived yet. Not long enough for cause to worry however, she'd have to be late by a weeks before we would consider sending out a search vessel to cover the surrounding coastline. Anything could have held them up at this time of year I'm afraid, the weather around here tends to get pretty unpredictable at times ..." the old man paused, taking a deep drag on his pipe before turning to meet Nathaniel's eyes.
"The loss of that landmark shouldn't have made a difference to a seasoned sailors, but there is always some young twerp who relies too much on the easy stuff instead of trusting his tools," he shrugged, "like I said, not much we can do. You and your crew are staying at the Lotus in town, right? We'll send someone up to let you know if she comes in."

Nathaniel nodded, realising that was as good as it was going to get for now, "I understand. Thank-you for your time, I'll let Bones know."

The old man frowned, "Make sure you remember to tell Bones he will be compensated generously if the order fails to come through, he's been a loyal customer that boy, I hate to let him down like this."

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